402. Witchcraft is Now Being Openly Supported by the Irish Government 21 401. SPHE Whistleblower: I Could Even Feel the Evil in the Room 15 400. Further Proof that Ireland is Governed by Marxist Deceivers 16 399. The Nature and Timing of the Gog-Magog Invasion of Israel 15 398. Living Daily in the Blessed Hope 14 397. The Author of the Epistle to the Hebrews 16 396. New Zealand to Allow Forced Vaccinations with Police Assistance 18 395. The Last Days and The Obsolete Man 11 394. Locusts and Wild Honey 12 393. The Lone Gunman: Part II 11 392. Fresh Light on a Key Passage in God’s Word 12 391. Germany is Being Dismantled  19 390. The Plan to Inflict Unacceptable Damage on a European Country  12 389. Twelve Simple Things  11 388. A Bible Number Pointing to the Number of the Beast  12 387. Inducting the Young into Demonism using Musical Performances  16 386. Where Wast Thou When I Laid the Foundations of the Earth?  11 385. There is No Gematria in the Bible  10 384. What Should Christians Do at This Time?  15 383. E=mc2?   21 382. Perfect Peace  11 381. Little Irish Whippet Bites the Pitbull Twice    5 380. La Palma and the Great Reset             18 379. AI Translation Censorship     11 378. The Zodiac is Babylonian   21 377. When Evil is Legalized, Wisdom Cries in the Streets    9 376. Deep Stealth and Organized Deception in the End Time   28 375. The Quiet Imposition of World Tyranny in 2024   28 374. When Christian Prayer becomes a Criminal Offense   15 373. A Marxist Barbed Wire Fence is Being Erected by the Irish Government   23 372. Rabbis who were Opposed to the Creation of the State of Israel   18 371. Understanding the Role of Israel in God’s End Time Plan   15 370. Emmaus and Other Poems   12 369. The Old Hatred: Why Satan wants the World to Loathe the Jews   40 368. Tabitha and Other Poems   12 367. The LORD will not Cast off His People   19 366. Dire Economic Indicators that the Media won’t Discuss   19 365. Gideon and Other Poems   13 364. Papal Apostolic Exhortations are Now being Addressed to All Mankind   14 363. Noah and Other Poems   12 362. Suddenly - USA     9 361. When Satan Came to Nashville    20 360. Are You Hoping for a Jonah Moment?    10 359. The Irish Abortion Review shows How Deranged Our Nation has Become    19 358. How the Enemy is Exploiting Unconfessed Sin    18 357. Be a Discerning Listener: Music is a Potent Force      19 356. The Good Samaritan and the Truth about Covid    12 355. When We Fail to Tremble at His Word    24 354. The Nine Time Periods in the LORD’s Plan for Mankind    16 353. The Time Interval Preceding Daniel’s Seventieth Week    15 352. The False Nephilim Theory is Designed to Cause Confusion    21 351. Why Rational People Believe Greenhouse Gas Propaganda    15 350. The Pernicious Fraud Called Digital Money    17 349. The Open Persecution of Christians in Ireland is About to Commence    12 348. The Unfailing Fruitfulness of Fervent Effectual Prayer    11 347. Suffering, Penury, and the Unfolding Financial Crisis    19 346. Darien Then and Darien Now    12 345. You were Bought with a Price    13 344. Tobiah and His Letters    12 343. Word Magic and the Placename Columbus    19 342. La Fée Electricité and His Kami Hoard       19 341. The Moneychangers    26 340. Suddenly - Ireland    10 339. Tyrannizing Lies: Audit of a Fake Pandemic    36 338. Maranatha or a Protestant Purgatory?    12 337. Satan will Continue to Attack the Lord’s Supper    15 336. The Five Hundred Year War    17 335. A Brief Look at Televised Fear      4 334. The Climate Change Hoax and the New Ten Commandments    20 333. If You Don’t Understand, Ask God    11 332. A Gaping Hole in The Fundamentals    15 331. Christians Must Repent of This Terrible Sin    15 330. Face to Face      9 329. Nimrod, Beijing, and the Asteroid Plan    42 328. Dark Winter    33 327. Babylon Will Fall    17 326. Cautionary Words on the End Time from H A Ironside    18 325. A Bird and Her Buddy    15 324. The Old World Order is About to Slide into Chaos    13 323. The End-Time Beast System is Already in Place    16 322. A Bear of Very Little Brain    23 321. Proof that the C-19 Injections are a Chemical Weapon    15 320. The Enemy has a Plan and Man has None    23 319. They that Observe Lying Vanities    31 318. Ezekiel’s Tile              22 317. The Deadly End Time Blame Game    13 316. Path to Famine: The Deliberate Contamination of Agricultural Land    23 315. Biblical Insights into the Synagogue of Satan    19 314. The Porn Alphabet Aimed at Children    19 313. Child Rape and the Masonic-Satanic Network that Controls Britain    17 312. The Coming World Tyranny will be Based Initially in Geneva    15 311. The Minefield Known as Near Death Experiences    19 310. How to Slowly Crush a Small Country    16 309. How Long, Ye Simple Ones?    14 308. The Green Man and the Emerald Isle    22 307. The Online Choke-chain of Financial Control is About to Go Live    14 306. Addressing Intemperate Remarks about the Pre-Tribulation Rapture    12 305. How Artificial Intelligence can Act as a Portal for the Supernatural    12 304. The Covert Use of Radio Frequencies to Control Human Behavior    12 303. The Face of Tyranny    17 302. The Covid Vaccine is Dangerous according to Official Government Statistics    19 301. The LORD’s Memorial Scroll   15 300. The Song of Solomon and its True Interpretation    27 299. Baruch and The Rapture    11 298. Rest in the LORD    11 297. How Modern Technology Could Counterfeit the Ten Plagues of Egypt    17 296. Hard Questions for Soft Minds: Why Covid Vaccines will Harm Children     4 295. Evidence that the Covid Vaccines Implant Bluetooth Biosensors    16   294.   Wisdom Cries in the Streets    19 293.   Creepy, Insane, and Dangerous Propaganda on Irish Television    26 292. Laodicea, Philadelphia, and Vaccine Harm    18 291. The World is Under Demonic Attack    31 290. The Day Most of Our Pastors went to Sleep [pictorial satire]    45 289. The Fourth Phase of Mass Insanity    20 288. The Children of Chaos Believe their Hour has Come    25 287. A Fake Marburg Virus Threat may be Used to Mandate Further Vaccinations    16 286. Proof that the End Time Elite are Spraying Our Skies with Toxic Graphene Oxide        15 285. The Orchestrated Attack on Congregational Prayer      9 284. Earthquakes, Technology and the End Time     11 283. Why We Must Do What is Pleasing to God     13 282. An Experienced Pastor gives a Detailed Opinion on the Safety of Covid Vaccines     20 281. The Brutus Option: The Growing Threat of a Military Coup in the US     21 280. The Rider on the White Horse: Deagel Projections and Vaccine Choices     17 279. Satan’s Work: The Planned Collapse of Christendom     24 278. Beware of a Little-known Mass Killing Device       20 277. The Glory that Is Christ     14 276. How are Christians to Identify the Jewish People?     13 275. The Triangle Gang and their Pretentious Symbols     10 274. Stephen Hawking, Suzie, and The Controlled Opposition     18 273. The Crypto-Marxists in Leinster House are Enslaving Our Nation                  16 272. A Beginner’s Guide to the New World Order [pictorial review]     46 271. Wee Timorous Beastie: Warning Signs of End Time Treachery     25 270. Why the Covid Vaccines are Dangerous       36 269. Mischievous Madness: Proof that the Medical Profession is Controlled by Sociopaths     17 268. Judas and the Coming One World Religion     12 267. Three Prescient Voices Warn of Genocide     22 266. Six Hidden Hands: Former Presidents Perform a Dark Occult Ritual     21 265 The Blessed Hope     10 264. Fraud, Lies, and Treachery by the Irish Government: Case for the Prosecution     35 263. Twelve Reasons Why no Person of Any Age should take the Covid Vaccine       13 262. The Worldwide Jewish Prayer of 21 February 2021     13 261. Those Who Twist Romans 13      9 260. Pandemic Panic and the Ten Commandments     14 259. The LORD Shall Roar from On High               19 258. The Irish are Being Told Appalling Lies about Covid     25 257. Downright Dangerous      9 256. The Seven Seal Judgments in the Book of Revelation     26 255. Worldwide Vaccine Experiment on Human Guinea-Pigs       30 254. First Strike: A Warning from Loveland         26 253. Green Zone Internment Camps are Being Created All Across the United States     15 252. Major Covid Test Center being Built on the Grounds of a Large Mental Hospital     31 251. Besieged and Betrayed - A Nation in Peril       19 250. Legalized Tyranny is Hastening the Marxist Takeover of Europe and America     10 249. How the Pandemic Lie was Used to Sabotage the Western Legal System     24 248. Our Governments are Lying: Face Masks cause Real Long-Term Harm to Our Children       17 247. Controlled Demolition: The Coming Constitutional Crisis     13 246. Vaccines for Children: The Elimination by Stealth of Parental Consent     13 245. Letter to the DPP 16 September 2020 [call to prosecute the Irish Minister for Health]     15 244. Mind Control, Entrainment, and US Patent 5159703     11 243. Deliberate Viral Infection: Irish Schoolchildren are Now a Target     15 242. The Eagle Beheaded: Treason at the Highest Levels     12 241. The Illuminati showcase their god Osiris on British Television     24 240. Silent Fall 2020: The Weaponization of Electromagnetic Radiation     51 239. We Ought to Obey God Rather than Men      8 238. When Words Disappear      8 237. Christians are Being Disarmed by the Servants of Satan     12 236. US National Debt Fraud - How the Elite are Fleecing the Nation     17 235. The Coming Heist will be Called The Great Reset     23 234. Draconian Emergency Laws will Remove Children from their Parents     22 233. The Great Falling Away     25 232. Sirius, Coronavirus, and Canis Major     32 231. Medical Tyranny as a Weapon to Break Up Families and Harm Children       18 230. He is Shield unto Them that Put their Trust in Him [discusses the Gates Foundation etc]     17 229. The Gods of Ancient Egypt and the Mark of the Beast     32 228. The Laodicean Church in All its Vain Glory     11 227. Gaelic Gulag: Ireland is Now Under Marxist Rule     12 226. Rockefeller Report of 2010 Proves the ‘Pandemic’ was Planned     10 225. What the Word of God says about Lockdowns      5 224. Proof that the Covid-19 Pandemic is a Hoax Based on a Fake Test and Twisted Statistics     30 223. Medical Martial Law and Forced Vaccinations     18 222. Ireland is Facing a Potential Health Crisis from its Newly Installed Network of 5G Antennas     13 221. Stand on the Rock       9 220. The Real Story of HIV: The Deadly Virus that Never Dies        27 219. The Coming Coup in the U.S. and the Dark Cabal who Planned It      24 218. Reflections on the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918      14 217. As for These Sheep, What Have They Done?        16 216. The LORD Is a Man of War [The Complete Armor of God]      20 215. Our Original Parents Lived in a Garden of Music      17 214. Decapitating DC      10 213. The Message by Peterson is a Blasphemous, Divisive, Vain and Dangerous Work           44 212. The New Sex Education Videos from the BBC are Harmful to Children and Families         39 211. The Third Phase of Insanity - Why the Enemy Never Rests      24 210. Weaving Spiders - The Illuminati are Testing the Veil      11 209. Hate Speech Legislation - Censorship by Stealth      15 208. The Lie in the Sky - Manmade Global Warming      32 207. Why the Sexualization of Innocent Children is Unwarranted and Harmful        40 206. False Flag      15 205. Vaccines are the Perfect Vector for Mass Infection      22 204. The Great Accusation and Its Corrosive Effect       9 203. Demons are Using the Ruling Elite to Enslave Mankind      28 202. The War on Meat - A Sign of the End Time      19 201. His Name is Jesus      13 200. Castor and Pollux: World on the Brink      21 199. The Wrath of God and the Bride of Christ      21 198. Player Escorts - How UNICEF and FIFA are Promoting Pedophilia      20 197. The New World Order will Abolish the Ten Commandments      26 196. Biblical Zionism or Christian Zionism?        29 195. Pope Francis - Vicar of Chaos        39 194. The Ritual Decapitation of Notre Dame       7 193. Why Are the Irish Unable or Unwilling to Stem the Plague of Gender Perversion?      15 192. The Reality of Eternal Judgment - Why Hell is an Actual Place      11 191. How Disney and Smart Phones are Corrupting Our Children      15 190. A Deadly EMP Attack - Yet Another Deception by the New World Order        9 189. State Tyranny - The Perverted Sexualization of Innocent Children      15 188. Medicated Nation - The Phony Science Behind Water Fluoridation      30 187. Donald Trump’s Allegiance to the Sun God Apollo        7 186. Curse Ye, Meroz, Curse Ye Bitterly        8 185. Why is Irish National Television Promoting Witchcraft?       13 184. The Starhawk Gang: The Real Story Behind the Irish Banking Crisis       39   183. The Sinister Purpose of the So-called Noahide Laws       42 182. The Irish Ruling Elite are Christ-hating, Baal-worshipping Deceivers       23 181. The U.N. Migration Compact and the Planned Destabilization of Western Democracies       23 180. Biblical Proof of a Hidden Hand and a Dark Plan       20 179. Who will the Public Blame when the World Financial Crisis Strikes?         6 178. Electromagnetic Radiation, Mass Insanity, and the New World Order        29 177. The Joy of Salvation in a Satanic World System        11 176. The Non-Existent Morality of the New World Order        12 175. Connecting Adverse Health Events to Childhood Vaccines                  53   174. The NWO and the Persecution of Christians in China        14 173. The Unfolding Constitutional Crisis in the US        17 172. The Jesuits are Now Actively Promoting Homosexuality        18 171. The Babylonians are Lying - The Earth is Not Moving        25 170. Why Congress is Serving the Luciferian Elite        18 169. Understanding Homosexuality - An Open Letter to Born-again Christians        35 168. What the Bible Teaches about Homosexuality        18 167. Gosport, Mass Killing, and the Culture of Death in the New World Order        26 166. Evidence that the Televised Creation v Evolution Debate of 2014 was Nothing but a Sham        17 165. The Wicked Cabal who Serve in Satan’s War Against Women        13 164. The Mission of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation        27 163. Weasel Words and the Art of Lying to Mankind        11 162. Severe Internet Censorship is Now Imminent        10 161. Bible-ban Pending in Ireland and California        12 160. Biblical Cosmology and Censorship in the Church        23 159. Is Ireland About to Make a Covenant with Death?        18 158. Eighteen Faux Female Writers and their Pseudo-Feminine Fables        19 157. The Gall of Dominionism: Man Will Not and Cannot Bring In the Kingdom        18 156. Jesuit College Blasphemes Jesus and Attacks Biblical Gender         10 155. The Star of Isis: How Britain’s Ruling Elite Venerate the Gods of Egypt           24 154.   The Strange Baal Circles around Nashville Baptist College         17 153. Concentric Baal Circles on the Continental Grid         28 152. The Seeming Enigma of North Korea           4 151. Babylonian Blasphemy and the Washington Monument                   12 150. Consecrated Ground and the Gettysburg Triangle         24 149. The Continental Obelisk Grid and the Babylonian Elite who Control the United States         24
Papers by Jeremy James
For the index to papers 1-148 click here