www . ZEPHANIAH . eu
Understanding the Coming Turmoil from a Born-again Christian Perspective
“The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly.”   - Zephaniah 1:14
  Recent Additions
- SPECIAL REQUEST 22 September, 2024 - We kindly request that our regular readers download all of our papers for  safe keeping and future reference. There are strong indications that the  Wicked are about to ‘press the button’ and throw the world into turmoil.  The LORD is watching. Please continue to trust in His grace and His  mercy. Here is the link to the Archive of all our papers to date (copy and  paste): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v7xpl2l1s9k55h3/AAC4WwyoAdAU8jse- efEMwDna?dl=0 __________________________ - NEW  NEW  NEW - America in Crisis The corporate media is doing a good job concealing the crisis that now  threatens to engulf the US. A dispassionate examination of recent events,  especially those pertaining to actions taken by President Trump, and the  perilous economic environment in which they are happening, will show  that this crisis may come to a head fairly soon. When it does, everyone  will see it. No more will they say, ‘What crisis?’ Meanwhile the Christians  of America will continue to support the man who, it would appear, will be one of the players most responsible for setting it in motion.   [Posted 05/03/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The End Time Famine Plan The Word of God offers a remarkable insight into coming events. Our task as believers is to make full use of what we have been given. In this paper  we explore many signs that the world ruling elite are already setting in  place some of the mechanisms that they will later use to restrict the food  supply, drive up prices, and concentrate control of food production and  distribution in the hands of a small number of mega corporations. Food  will be used as a ‘weapon’ in a sense to coerce the masses and ensure  compliance with their plans. After the Tribulation starts, this will quickly  escalate into a radical means of reducing the human population. [Posted 24/02/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Israel, Gaza, and the End Time Many Christians have difficulty reconciling the belligerent behavior of  Israel in Gaza with the nation chosen by God to bring His Word to  mankind. It is especially confusing when one reflects on the promise of  her ultimate salvation when Christ returns. In this paper we tease out the  issues involved and show how Scripture addresses these apparent  contradictions. [Posted 14/02/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Weaponized Robots We are now entering a time where autonomous robots will become part of the military apparatus. If they are guided by Artificial Intelligence, they  could prove to be highly effective in close combat. In this paper we look at  the progress made to date and examine whether the Bible has referred to  their use in the End Time.  [Posted 07/02/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Seek His face continually The world is becoming more and more confusing. This is how the powers  of darkness do their best work. Confused people are weak and  impressionable. They have no anchor to ground them in reality. But  believers have. We can draw closer to God by seeking Him daily on His  terms, not ours. God is near. But we need to learn this for ourselves and  live daily in the joy that it brings. In this paper we examine several  passages of Scripture which outline what God expects of us as redeemed  souls.  [Posted 01/02/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The paganization of the Roman Church in the 15th century Few Catholics are aware of the extent to which their religious beliefs have  been shaped by Egyptian mythology. The pagan teachings of the Corpus  Hermeticum, in the form adumbrated by Pico della Mirandola, were  officially declared free from all taint of heresy by Pope Alexander VI in  1493. The same Pope also decorated his apartments in the Vatican Palace  with scenes from the myth of Isis and Osiris. In this paper we show how,  as a result, many harmful pagan ideas have infiltrated the Catholic  Church and corrupted her teachings. [Posted 23/01/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Scientific proof that vaccines are harmful We have written several papers examining the adverse impact that  vaccines have on our health. The whole ‘science’ of immunology is riddled  with false claims and dodgy data, biased research and the systematic  suppression of outcomes that would expose its dark purpose. In this  paper, drawing on research that won the Nobel Prize for Medicine in  1913, we discuss the biochemical impact of vaccines on our immune  system and reveal why the pharmaceutical industry has long known that  it is dangerous to inject foreign proteins into our bloodstream. [Posted 17/01/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The meaning of Pharmakeia The Bible uses the word pharmakeia to denote sorcery, drugs and poison,  usually with reference to the way the Enemy is exploiting the science of  pharmacology to harm mankind. Very few people are qualified scientists,  and those who are have a limited field of expertise. So when we hear the  expression, “Trust the science”, we are being asked to take a leap of faith.  However, with so many bogus claims being made in the name of science,  there comes a point when we must use our common sense and stop  trusting the science. In doing so we are not necessarily claiming that  science is wrong, but we are reserving the right to question its validity and proceed with caution. As Christians there is an obligation on us to do this. [Posted 03/01/2025] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The Cabal and their cryptic messages The Lord has asked that we watch for signs of the End Time. We may not  interpret them correctly at first, but we know that, by faithful obedience  to his words, we will find comfort and reassurance in doing so. In this  paper we examine some of the ‘messages’ that the Cabal has been  broadcasting via their ‘we know everything’ magazine, The Economist. In  their predictions for the year 2025 they include some revealing, albeit  cryptic, clues as to their intentions. No matter what comes to pass, we  need to remember that the LORD God is sovereign.    [Posted 18/12/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The coercive power of ‘Woke’ indoctrination Many readers are familiar with political correctness and other  mischievous ways of restricting free and open debate. We are seeing time-   horored social institutions being turned upside down, but very few people  seem to have the courage to denounce this trend or even the ability to  formulate arguments against it. This perversion of traditional morality is  sometimes called Woke. It is in reality an attack on Christianity, which  seems to be growing in intensity almost every-where. In this paper we  examine how it works and how it serves the goals of those who are  planning to impose a New World Order. [Posted 30/11/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Keeping a clear perspective The world is in a deeply troubled state. With so much happening we could easily lose our perspective and become despondent. This is the opposite  of what Jesus asked us to do: “And when these things begin to come to  pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth  nigh.” (Luke 21:28) If we lift up our heads we will see much further and  retain a clear spiritual perspective. As the “blessed hope” draws ever  closer, our Almighty Father is in complete control. In this new set of  poems we try to capture the attitude that will keep us doing as Jesus  asked. [Posted 25/11/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Ireland’s Round Towers form a Babylonian Grid Regular readers will know that we have published several papers exposing the Asherim system that Babylon uses to mark its territory and pay  homage to Baal. In this new study we show how the Round Towers of  Ireland were not associated in any way with Christianity but were  intended instead as a means to infiltrate and take control of the Irish  monastic system. Rome used it to replace the true gospel of Christ with the false ‘gospel’ of Babylon.  [Posted 15/11/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Idolatry, Ringforts, and Babylon Idols enslave the minds of those who believe in them. We engage in  idolatry when we allow an object, image or idea to influence how we relate to the Living God. Seen in this light, idolatry is endemic in our modern  world. One of the oldest systems of idolatry is known as geomancy, the  belief that ‘consecrated’ objects can be placed in the landscape in such a  way as to channel or direct a beneficial spiritual energy. In this paper we  examine how this was used in ancient Ireland to determine the shape and  location of ringforts. [Posted 26/10/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The Irish Government is now openly promoting Witchcraft The modern concept of ‘witchcraft’ has become separated from ‘evil’.  Consider the Harry Potter movies. Everyone in Hogwarts was learning to  align with evil and use the power of darkness for ‘good’. This is insane, of  course, since magic is intrinsically evil and cannot be used for good.  However, the movies and the media in general cultivate a false  understanding of magic and witchcraft. This is deliberate. Satan wants  mankind to turn to him for supernatural guidance and leadership. Today, the governments of the world are assisting with this process. The Irish  government is actually subsidising and promoting a major occult event  where members of the public, including children, will commune with  spirits and celebrate the kingdom of darkness. The war against  Christianity in Ireland is at a very advanced stage. [Posted 11/10/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The sexualization of children by the state We are all aware of the powerful influence that smartphones exercise over the information, imagery and opinions that our children are exposed to  regarding sexuality. The confusion that this has caused is being exploited  by the Government as an excuse to radically overhaul the RSE  (relationships and sex education) module for students at high school  level. Disturbingly, the new program is normalizing concepts and  situations that are wholly inappropriate for teenagers. A whistle-blower  has recently come forward to express her concerns and reveal the kind of  training that RSE teachers are now being required to undergo. [Posted 03/10/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Racism and sexual perversion at government level The Irish government is Marxist. And all major parties in the Dáil are  Marxist. They serve the international Cabal who are preparing the way for world Communism. In this paper we give further proof of this, showing  how the SPHE indoctrination to which our children are now being  subjected (through the educational system) is designed to cause them real  harm. Few people seem to understand that our top politicians despise our  country and our culture. Please share this paper widely. [Posted 22/09/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The Gog-Magog invasion of Israel In this paper we examine the invasion of Israel which is foretold in  chapters 38 and 39 of Ezekiel. There would appear to be some confusion  as to when this invasion will take place, who is behind it, and what role it  will play in the End Time drama described in the Bible. We also discuss  how this event will influence certain actions taken by the Antichrist and  the impact it will have on the world in general. [Posted 12/09/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Living Daily in the Blessed Hope Christians should hardly need to be reminded of the the Rapture of the  Church, which the Word of God calls the “blessed hope”. Unfortunately  there are aspects of this wonderful doctrine which are not well  understood. The same could be said of the Scriptural teaching on rewards and crowns. In this paper we have selected some enlightening passages of  Scripture which, we believe, deserve careful study. This is especially true  at a time when, despite deteriorating world conditions, many professing  Christians are slow to embrace the blessed hope. [Posted 30/08/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews This paper addresses a question that has bothered Bible scholars for  centuries: Who wrote the Epistle to the Hebrews? Despite the many  learned opinions expressed over this long period of time the answer is  surprisingly simple and easy to understand. We examine the background  to this long-running saga and show how it relates to the modern nation of  Israel. Christians who want to gain a better understanding of current  events in the Middle East may welcome our analysis.    [Posted 23/08/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - Forced vaccinations by New Zealand police The ‘Covid’ pandemic was a highly subversive scheme to undermine the  social order. It was built on lies and designed to cause real harm, both to  individuals and to society in general. The powers-that-be are now  planning to launch another ‘pandemic’ based on the same lies. This time  they intend to make the vaccines mandatory and to use the assistance of  the police to forcibly inject those who refuse to comply. The country they  have chosen to promote the new pandemic plan is New Zealand. In this  paper we give extracts from a highly disturbing document published by  the NZ Ministry of Health and show how it will serve as a template for use  in other countries. [Posted 10/08/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The Obsolete Man The God of the Bible has revealed Himself to mankind. He is a personal  God and our relationship with Him is personal. In the deepest sense, He  cares about us: “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you” (1  Peter 5:7). In this paper we look at the steps taken by the Enemy over the  past sixty years or so to convince us otherwise, to distort our  understanding of reality and make us believe the most appalling  nonsense. Without the clear living water of God’s Word we quickly fall  prey to the wiles of the great deceiver. [Posted 02/08/2024] - NEW  NEW  NEW - The Christian Life Christ was and is divine. He is also fully human. As blood-bought  believers we face daily the challenge of living in our humanity while  honoring the earnest of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. We aim high –  “be ye therefore perfect” – but we accept at the same time our many  weaknesses and wretched imperfections. Since God is patient with us, we  need to be patient with ourselves. In this new set of poems, we reflect on  the interaction that a believer may have with the many realities of daily  life. [Posted 28/07/2024]      
A complete listing of all papers on this website – 415 to date – may be  found here. They are given in reverse chronological order (most recent  first). They may also be accessed by category via the Past Papers section  below. At present they are grouped into twenty-four categories. For Portuguese translations of many of our papers go to:               https://www.espada.eti.br/outros.htm
We are keen to raise awareness generally of the dangers posed by  the coming New World Order and the forces behind it - and to do so  from a born-again Christian perspective.   The accent throughout is on verifiable facts, namely material that  the reader can confirm to his or her satisfaction from other sources.  The site tries to identify and describe the ‘big picture’ and, in  particular, how it fits into the End Time scenario described in the  Bible. Our basic premise is that traditional Bible-based Christianity is  under attack in a systematic and insidious way in all parts of the  world today. The tragedy is that most Christians do not seem to be  aware of this. Our papers are designed to expose this strategy, the  people behind it, and the methods they are using to undermine and  destroy Christianity. [2009]
The purpose of this website
True Cosmology & Satan's Alternative Reality
Financial Control
One World Government
One World Religion
The Coming New World Order
The Babylonian Religion
The Marxist Agenda
Abortion, Homosexuality, and Gender Confusion
Covert Warfare
Proof of a Conspiracy
Bible Prophecy
False Prophecy
Illuminati ‘Signatures’
The Rapture of the Church
Bible Studies
Rome and Her Devices
Prayer & Worship
Apostasy & Deception
Pictorial Thoughts
Copyright Jeremy James 2009-2025
“Seek ye the LORD, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness; it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger.” - Zephaniah 2:3
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