The Marxist Agenda
The Lone Gunman
The events leading up to what the Elite are calling ‘The Great Reset’ have
an occult purpose. They also serve to weaken the national will to resist.
Working together they are intended to induce a sense of helplessness. The
recent fake assassination of Donald Trump is a good example of this. A
demoralized public is unable to see past the many inconsistencies in the
official story. They simply cannot accept that respected public figures can
tell outrageous lies. In this paper we show how the ‘lone gunman’ theme
continues to be used by the Illuminati to generate fear and control public
behavior. [Posted 19/07/2024]
Marriage and the Family
The ruling Marxist regime failed in its recent attempt to change the
traditional legal meaning of marriage and the family. In the Referendum
of March 8th the Irish electorate resoundingly rejected what the
government was trying to do. The Marxists were not allowed to inflict any
further damage on our Constitution. In this paper we examine the
background to this special moment and consider the factors which had a
bearing on the outcome. [Posted 11/03/2024]
The Irish government is now attacking the family
The Marxist regime that controls Ireland is coercing the electorate to
change the meaning of the term “family” in the Irish Constitution. They
want to dilute this important legal concept to the point where its moral
force is entirely lost. The traditional Christian view of the family in Irish
law will thus be obliterated. The date scheduled for the Referendum is 8th
March. Voters will also be asked to remove the existing provision in Article
41 which states that, where a woman chooses to stay at home to raise her
children, her important contribution to society in doing so will be
recognized. It would appear that the electorate will be swayed once again
by the lies told by our government and will allow the Communists to take
our benighted nation two steps closer to Satan’s ‘New World Order.’
[Posted 12/02/2024]
When Christian prayer becomes a criminal offense
The Church is under severe demonic attack. The state of Victoria in
Australia has passed a law that makes it a criminal offense to pray for
someone who is battling homosexual tendencies. This goes further than
the Irish Bill prohibiting the provision of ‘conversion’ therapy or
counselling for homosexuals. We are now at a watershed moment in the
history of Christianity. The Marxists have finally got a western nation to
treat prayer in relation to certain matters as a crime punishable by law.
The new Australian legislation provides for a prison sentence of up to ten
years for an offense under the Act! Christians everywhere need to
understand that similar laws are planned for other countries and that,
unless believers stand together against this tide of wickedness, the
outcome will be appalling. [Posted 11/01/2024]
Censorship under Ireland’s Marxist regime
Ireland is about to become the first Western democracy to criminalize free
speech. The World Economic Forum wants to field test its planned
censorship laws and see how well they work in practise. Ireland’s Marxist
‘government’ has been quietly preparing legislation for this purpose. The
proposed new law will carry a threat of fines and imprisonment for a
spurious offense known as “hate speech.” The aim is to silence dissent and
intimidate the small minority who might dare to criticize the ruling
regime. Anyone accused of an offense under the new legislation will be
deemed guilty from the outset and treated accordingly. Their home will be
invaded by the police and property confiscated. When their case finally
comes before a court of justice they will have very little scope under this
bizarre new law to contest the outrageous charges brought against them.
Be warned - This legislation is revolutionary. It will undermine Irish
democracy and destroy some of our most cherished Constitutional rights.
[Posted 01/01/2024]
Hate legislation will be used to persecute Christians in Ireland
Some of our readers may be aware that the government of Ireland is on the
brink of introducing legislation which will criminalize anyone who dares to
criticize the new Marxist morality. The aim of this ‘hate’ legislation is to
frighten those who might dare to open their mouths and proclaim God’s
Law. The Act is perverse in the extreme. The accused person is presumed
to be guilty unless he can prove his innocence before a court. Those found
guilty can be fined up to €5000 or given a prison sentence of up to five
years. Please share this paper widely since few Irish citizens seem to
realize the danger we are facing. [Posted 10/05/2023]
Televised Fear
One of the most potents weapons being used against mankind is fear. To
be really effective, however, this fear needs to be controlled. Television is
ideal for this purpose. It enables fear-inducing scenarios to be generated,
packaged and streamlined. The public absorbs the imagery and the
message, both of which can be tailored as required. The impact of a
shocking event can be greatly amplified by television, where everyone is
fed the approved narrative and interprets the event accordingly. Television
also enables the shock footage to be repeated over and over again, driving
the fear and associated anxieties further into the mind and heart of the
viewer. [Posted 17/12/2022]
How to slowly crush a small country
Ireland is governed by a Marxist regime which is doing everything it can to
harm our country. These liars are growing more brazen by the day. In their
latest stunt they have opened the country to a flood of Ukrainian
‘refugees’. These immigrants, who will increase our population by at least
4 per cent, will receive free housing and a range of social benefits, all at the
expense of the Irish taxpayer. The country is already sinking under a
mountain of debt, but it would seem that this godless regime is not
satisfied with the current rate of decay. It also plans to amend the
Constitution to enable the state to expropriate private property. All of this
is Marxist to the core. They despise the order established by God and will
continue along their existing course unless they are stopped.
[Posted 04/05/2022]
The Controlled Opposition
The Satanic World System is moving into top gear. The governments of the
world are working together to poison and enslave the nations. Alas
millions of people who ought to know better are stepping back and letting
them do it. They are rolling up their sleeves, not to brace for a fight, but to
accept an injection which could potentially kill them. They even encourage
their family and friends to do likewise. This kind of suicidal programming
took many years to achieve, but its now getting results. The mental
conditioning techniques that made this possible included one known as
‘the controlled opposition.’ Christians need to understand, even at this late
hour, the extent to which the Enemy has used this technique to dupe the
unwary and lure countless millions into a deadly trap.
[Posted 17/06/2021]
Hate Crime legislation to suppress free speech
Time is running out. The government is bringing in legislation to silence
dissent and criminalize anyone who dares to challenge their Marxist lies or
expose their sordid schemes. The Criminal Justice (Hate Crime) Bill is a
farrago of nonsense, but a dangerous farrago. If it is passed into law, all
public discussion of what the government is doing to weaken and enslave
our nation will be suppressed. The ultimate target is Christianity in
Ireland. Please share this paper widely. [Posted 07/06/2021]
Vaccine Propaganda and the Hidden Hand
Four former US Presidents recently made a couple of videos in which they
shamelessly endorsed the Covid vaccine program. Seemingly everything
will return to normal as soon as the American people do what they’re told.
One of the videos was a sinister Masonic ritual which confirmed the
astonishing contempt which the ultra-rich ruling elite have for the average
citizen. Having inflicted immense harm on their economy and their social
fabric, these Christ-hating deceivers are now trying to coerce millions of
innocent people into taking a high-risk, medically useless ‘vaccine’.
[Posted 27/03/2021]
Green Zone internment camps coming to America
If the CDC had not set out their plans in a published document, most
people would not believe that something so extreme is about to happen to
the United States. The CDC even compares these ‘Green Zones’ to refugee
camps found in other parts of the world, including Kenya, Syria, Chad and
Myanmar. The ‘old’ world order is being systematically torn down. The
planned internment camps are clear evidence – for those who choose to
see it – that America is now under totalitarian rule. Read this paper and
judge for yourself. [Posted 24/11/2020]
Marxist Blitzkrieg
We are witnessing a momentous earthquake in human affairs. The old
‘normal’ is gone. For many this wrenching change is too deep and too
painful to acknowledge. In this paper we show how the façade of
democracy is being pulled down in the UK and America. The brazen way
this is happening is truly jawdropping. Please share this paper with friends
and neighbors who cannot yet see the villainy that is unfolding on the
world stage. [Posted 01/11/2020]
The Plot behind the U.S. Presidential Election
Anyone who interprets political drama in terms of a two-party paradigm is
unlikely to understand that a carefully planned crisis is brewing in the
United States. In this paper we review the lead-up to this crisis and
examine some of the steps that are being taken - by people in positions of
trust - to undermine constitutional democracy in that country. The extent
to which mainstream, ‘establishment’ institutions are complicit in this
plan may shock some readers. [Posted 07/10/2020]
Vaccines for children and Marxist chicanery
The Irish government plans to give a genetically modified flu vaccine to all
children between the ages of 2 and 12 years in the coming weeks. Most
parents have no idea that this is about to happen, nor that the vaccine
contains four attenuated live viruses. The question of parental consent –
meaning informed consent – is being entirely pushed aside. They would be
shocked to know that the World Health Organization endorses vaccination
without parental consent, even in cases where parents have stated in
writing that their child is NOT to receive a vaccine. The government is
adopting the Marxist position that every child is a ward of the state. Its
actions amount to reckless endangerment and directly violate both HSE
policy and Irish law concerning consent.
[Posted 26/09/2020]
Call to prosecute the Irish Minister for Health
A former employee and whistleblower at the Department of Finance in
Dublin has requested the Director of Public Prosecutions to bring a charge
of reckless endangerment against both the Minister for Health and the
Chief Medical Officer for approving a vaccination program for children
which takes virtually no account of the risks involved. The government is
merely following the dictates of the pharmaceutical industry and
embarking on a course of action which could easily cause a serious flu
epidemic in Ireland this winter. The risks involved are being deliberately
concealed from Irish parents. The vaccine that the government proposes to
give to every child in the age bracket 2-12 years is genetically modified and
contains four attenuated live strains of flu virus. On the other hand, the
vaccine that it has approved for use by adults contains only deactivated
viruses and is not genetically modified.
[Posted 16/09/2020]
The Eagle Beheaded
As part of their planned transition to a new world order, the Elite are
doing as much damage as they can to the symbols and monuments which
reflect the values and beliefs of the ‘old’ world order. The partial
demolition of Notre Dame cathedral in Paris is an example of this (see our
paper #194). So too is the ongoing desecration of public monuments in the
United States. We have evidence that they are also undermining an
intangible symbol of importance to all patriotic Americans, namely the
bald eagle which appears on the Great Seal of the United States.
[Posted 27/08/2020]
When Words Disappear
When we wrote our paper, ‘The Third Phase of Insanity’ (#211) at the end
of last year, we did not expect the insanity to escalate as quickly as it has.
The general inability to think clearly and rationally is evident everywhere.
Whether among Christians or non-Christians, words now mean only what
our governments say they mean. Our pastors and elders now listen to their
oracular pronouncements before they listen (if at all) to the real Word, and
act accordingly. In this paper, where we look at worship through the eyes
of David, we reveal a ‘betrayal’ which ought to shock all who love God and
tremble at His Word. [Posted 25/07/2020]
The Third Phase of Mass Insanity
The Bible says a great deal about the time we are living in, the enemy we
are facing, and the weapons he is using. In this paper we examine the Four
Phases of mass insanity, with particular emphasis on the Third, namely
the one we are in now. We draw on examples which reveal how much the
Enemy hates the nuclear family and natural parenthood, and how far he is
prepared to go to destroy them. This paper may be a wake-up call for some
readers. Please share it with others. [Posted 02/12/2019]
False Flag
The world is currently in a state of high tension, politically and
economically. It is at times like this that great changes are set in motion by
a single tumultuous event. This is how the Elite move closer to their
proposed ‘utopia’, the New World Order. We examine how the flashpoints
that were put in place decades ago will be ignited when the time is right,
possibly by engineering such an event. Christians need to remind
themselves that the world is ruled, for now, by very evil people.
[Posted 12/10/2019]
An EMP Attack - yet another NWO Deception
Lies can be immensely destructive. That’s why the masters of chaos make
such extensive use of them. Mass mind control is achieved by constructing
one lie on top of another so that, bit by bit, tens of millions of people can
be made to believe highly irrational things. The threat of an EMP attack on
the U.S. by North Korea is yet another lie, a deception that would appear
to have a critical role to play in the planned transition to a ‘new world
order.’ [Posted 04/04/2019]
The Marxist War Machine is Moving into High Gear
Our parents were very familiar with the awful threat that Communism
poses to Christianity and the existing world order. Alas the masses today
are oblivious to this threat. Under the seemingly benign guise of socialism,
pluralism, globalization, and multiculturalism, it has infiltrated nearly all
western democracies and is busily setting the stage for the violent events
that will usher in the so-called New World Order. The German Illuminati
recently flashed a message - for those who care to see - which spells out the
future that they envisage for America, where Marxists exercise despotic
control over all aspects of life and freedom as we know it has come to an
end. [Posted 01/08/2013]
Pieces in the Globalist Jigsaw
As with any box of jigsaw pieces, if the lid (with the picture) is missing
then we don't know "what it is" until a large portion of the jigsaw has been
assembled. The Marxist-Illuminati cabal has put so many pieces of its
globalist jigsaw in place that even a casual observer should now be able to
see that something truly sinister is emerging. This paper identifies sixteen
pieces in the jigsaw and how they fit together. [Posted 25/06/2013]
Two remarkable videos on YouTube
The Internet continues to be the only reliable source of hard information
about current events and the forces behind them, provided one exercises
due care and discernment. Here are links to two unusually frank
revelations about the Illuminati-Communist programme. The first is an
interview with a former KGB agent who explains how their strategy of
'demoralisation' has been used to such powerful effect in the US and
elsewhere. The interview took place in the early 1980s, so events thereafter
only serve to underscore the extraordinary accuracy of his
pronouncements. The second is the official video-recording by the House
of Lords of a 15-minute speech in the House on 1 November 2010 by Lord
James of Blackheath. It gives a disturbing insight into the way the
Illuminati control the world from behind the scenes. Clearly, in his haste
to chastise his critics, Lord James said a good deal more than is normally
considered prudent in such a setting. He gave advance notice of the social
and political turmoil that was about to explode across North Africa. He
even gave high-level confirmation of the colossal quantity of gold bullion
that is secretly owned by the Vatican - yet another major player in the
subversive strategy to bring about a New World Order.
These two videos should prove eye-opening for anyone who still has a hard
time accepting that a truly malign, totalitarian regime is at work in our
modern world:
Interview with a KGB defector
Speech by Lord James of Blackheath, 1 November 2010