The Babylonian Religion
When Satan came to Nashville
Paganism has been flooding into the West. It began with a trickle in the
late 19th century and has swollen exponentially ever since. In this
paper we look at just one city and show the alarming extent of its
spiritual decay over the past hundred years or so. The same is
happening in other cities all over Europe and N America. The Enemy is
installing monuments and memorials which promote the “gods” or
fallen angels. The one installed in Nashville in 1990 is breathtaking in
its audacity. Many of our readers will see it as a sign of the End Time.
[Posted 17/09/2023]
Eyes Wide Shut
No matter how much evidence the sceptic is given, he will continue to
deny anything that conflicts with his world view. This obstinacy lies at
the heart of our fallen nature. In our pride, with eyes wide open, we see
nothing. The Enemy knows this and exploits it ruthlessly. In this paper
we show how the placename ‘Columbus’ has been incorporated into an
elaborate set of Masonic lines and circles covering most of the United
States. Given that the blueprint for this pattern must have been
prepared about two hundred years ago, we have in these ‘magical
circles’ incontestable evidence that the US, and thus the world as
whole, is controlled from behind the scenes by Freemasonry.
[Posted 15/03/2023]
Order Out of Chaos
The Babylonians want to create a new world order. Satan has
convinced them that this can only be achieved by completely
destroying the existing order. If they can do this, they believe, the new
world order will emerge of itself from the wreckage of the old one,
almost through a process of alchemical transformation. They are
currently finalizing their preparations for these catastrophic events,
but are doing so in a way that will disguise their involvement. In this
paper we will show how the public has been conditioned to believe, in
due course, the official account so that, when the Great Reset occurs,
very few will discern a hidden hand behind these awful events.
[Posted 14/10/2022]
Green Man symbolism in the Irish Passport
The occult Elite are like animals that go around putting their scent on
everything in their domain, claiming it as their own. For centuries they
have had to do this via symbolism since outright claims of ownership
and dominance would be met with serious resistance. But times have
changed and the level of discernment among the general population
has fallen through the floor. As a result, the frequency, character and
audacity of these symbols has grown considerably over the past ten
years, to the point where they now spell out a sinister message. The
new Irish passport is a brazen example of this. [Posted 15/04/2022]
The Star of Isis over Britain
As we have shown in recent papers, the Babylonian Elite who rule
Britain and most other countries from behind the scenes have erected
numerous public monuments to exalt their god. In this paper we reveal
how some of the most prestigious obelisks in Britain have been
arranged in such a way that they sketch out the five-pointed Star of
Isis. What is more, they have done so in a very precise and measurable
way. By doing this, they are violating God’s Word and deliberately
blaspheming His holy Name. [Posted 15/03/2018]
The Strange Baal Circles around Nashville Baptist College
In our recent papers we have shown how obelisks are used by the
Babylonian Elite to form 'sacred' circles in honor of Baal. In this paper
we reveal how the American Baptist College in Nashville, TN, is
surrounded by at least 13 such circles. We also show how this
obsession with obelisks is affecting the church. The blasphemy and
deception behind all of this should be of great concern to true Bible-
believing Christians. [Posted 27/02/2018]
Concentric Baal Circles on the Continental Grid
As we have shown in previous papers, the US and Canada are covered
with a network of obelisks which are designed to honor the false god,
Baal. The obelisks are arranged in such a way that they form 'circles', in
accordance with the Babylonian principle, 'point within a circle'. This
paper gives many examples of this, as well as some startling examples
of nested or concentric circles. Christians need to recognize that the
Enemy has his own religion and that he intends to impose it on all
mankind. [Large file (50MBs)] [Posted 16/02/2018]
Babylonian Blasphemy and the Washington Monument
The spiritual darkness across America is far greater than many have
imagined. The Washington Monument in D.C. is the largest obelisk in
the world and therefore of particular significance in the Babylonian
religion. It is quite simply a massive monument to Baal, the god of this
world. In this paper we examine the meaning and purpose of obelisks
in Freemasonry, the importance of blasphemy to the Babylonians, and
a strange object next to the Washington Monument known as the
Jefferson Pier. [Posted 03/02/2018]
Consecrated Ground and the Gettysburg Triangle
As we have shown in previous papers, the United States is covered by
an elaborate array of obelisks, arranged in accordance with the
Babylonian system. In this paper we look at the alignment of these
obelisks and, in particular, how twelve of great stature have been
arranged to produce a right-angled triangle over an area of great
historical significance. We also show how the Civil War marked an
important step forward in the Illuminati plan to bring about a New
World Order. [Posted 26/01/2018]
The Continental Obelisk Grid
We have consistently made the case in these papers that a small group
of ultra-rich people control the governments and media of the world.
Their god is Baal and they make obeisance to him by erecting a
network of obelisks in his honor across regions of strategic and
political importance. Citing evidence that is easy to verify, this paper
explains how they have set in place a network of this kind across the
US and Canada, using the same 'point within a circle' principle that
informs all their works. [Posted 15/01/2018]
The 13 Obelisks of Babylonian Rome
The Popes of Rome have installed a network of obelisks, some
weighing hundreds of tons, in accordance with the religious system of
ancient Babylon. The main obelisk is in front of St Peter’s Basilica in
the Vatican, while the rest are arranged in an occult pattern on its
eastern side. This paper gives an in-depth description of the network
and its role in honoring and venerating the pagan god, Baal.
[Large file (26MBs)] [Posted 20/12/2017]
Babylonian London and the Secret of the Solar Barque
Demons never die. Few Christians seem to understand the methods
that the Enemy is using to control mankind. The fallen angels are
exploiting every means they can to infiltrate more deeply into the
structures and institutions that underpin western society. Their task is
made considerably easier by the deliberate co-operation of the small
but highly influential cabal that is trying to bring about a New World
Order. This paper shows how the gods of ancient Egypt, who opposed
Moses and defied the Living God, are working today through the
English ruling elite and their international associates.
[Posted 15/07/2017]
The Asherim, Craft and Magic Circles of Babylonian London
As born-again Christians we are expected to use our common sense
and weigh the evidence in support of any claim or theory. Many who
doubt the existence of a long-term plan to eliminate Christianity and
bring in a New World Order may benefit from our exposé of
Babylonian London (2014), as well as the information set out in this
paper. They ought to startle anyone who is truly sincere in his or her
quest for proof of a high-level secret conspiracy. [Posted 24/04/2017]
The Pharaoh Akhenaten is another Illuminati invention
As we demonstrated in our paper, Eugenics, Hybrids, and the
Illuminati Labyrinth [#121], the British Elite have been revising
history and inventing historical 'facts' to suit their purpose. The
pharaoh known as Akhenaten is supposed to have originated the
concept of monotheism – belief in just one God – around the time of
the Exodus. However, this pharaoh did not exist but was invented by
the British to undermine the Biblical foundation of both Judaism and
Christianity. [Posted 14/04/2017]
Seriously defective tract on Freemasonry
The Lighthouse Trails ministry is one of the better known Christian
discernment websites. It recently released a tract on Freemasonry
which gave a very indulgent and, in places, highly misleading account
of this dangerous occult organiz-ation. This paper examines the tract
and shows why Christians ought to be concerned by this development.
[Posted 24/01/2017]
Annual Oscar Ceremony re-enacts an Ancient Egyptian Festival
Christians everywhere should know by now that everything that comes
out of Hollywood is laden with poison of one kind or another. Much of
the propaganda for Satan's war on Christianity is produced in
Hollywood, and virtually everyone of influence in the movie industry is
affiliated in some way with the occult, witchcraft, a New Age
movement, or a pagan religion. This paper shows how the annual
Academy Awards are actually a reenactment of a religious festival from
ancient Egypt, and the famous Oscar statuette is actually a
representation of the tripartite god Ptah-Sokar-Osiris.
[Posted 12/06/2015]
Babylonian London, Nimrod, and the Secret War Against God
[Also accessible as seven separate papers - see below]
This lengthy paper sets out the results of a detailed analysis of the
monuments of London. They ought to be of great concern to all sincere
Christians since they give tangible proof of the 'conspiracy' that has
been under way for some time to destroy true Biblical Christianity and
replace it with a one-world religion. The paper shows that London has
been designed as a kind of open-air temple to the gods of ancient
Egypt, Greece and Babylon. The chief 'god' that the ruling elite worship
is the Babylonian Nimrod, whom they equate with the coming 'god-
man', whom Christians call the Antichrist.
The Asherim of London - obelisks, spires, columns and towers - are
organized to form astrological star patterns, solar wheels, a planetary
model, and tributes to the pagan gods of the ancient world. Once one
understands the 'language' behind these monuments, their
blasphemous nature becomes immediately apparent. Our analysis
shows that the dark character of 'Babylonian London' has intensified in
recent years, to the point where monuments are now being erected to
'gods' who figure prominently in the occult and magic, such as Isis and
Seth. [Posted 14/06/2014]
Babylonian London - Chapters 1-2
Babylonian London - Chapters 3-5
Babylonian London - Chapters 6-9
Babylonian London - Chapters 10-12
Babylonian London - Chapters 13-15
Babylonian London - Chapters 16-17
Babylonian London - Chapters 18-End
Barack Obama and his Hindu Guru
President Obama claims to be a Christian, but this is a front. The
evidence set out in this paper proves that he is really a Hindu (or
Hindu sympathizer) and that his guru is the head of the worldwide
Kriya Yoga movement, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda. He is also a firm
believer in the Goddess and the blessings that her veneration will bring
to devotees. In reality, Obama hates traditional Biblical Christianity
and is a key player in the secret movement to undermine and destroy
it. [Posted 16/07/2013]
Witchcraft and Satanism in Hollywood
Hollywood is content to appear decadent and immoral because the
truth, if it were known, is much more disturbing. The people who run
Hollywood are active practitioners of the occult. While it may hide
behind a façade of atheism, Hollywood is one of the most religious
places on earth. However the 'god' that these people worship is not our
wonderful Creator, but the Horned One, Lucifer. In recent years they
have become so arrogant that they dare on occasion to broadcast their
satanic beliefs in an undisguised manner. This paper highlights the
extent to which this is now happening. [Posted 03/06/2013]
The Externalization of the Fallen Angelic Hierarchy
Few Christians today seem to recognize the dramatic link between
developments on the world stage and End Time prophecy. They forget
that Satan is following a Plan. The significance of what is happening
would be easier to understand if one knew the main features of his
Plan. Fortunately, these can be deduced, at least in part, from history,
from Scripture, and from the occult writings that the Elite appear to
regard as their 'scripture'. This paper examines the Plan and its impact
on world events. [Posted 24/05/2013]
Freemasonry and the Queen of England
The British royal family has long pretended to be Christian, or at least
sympathetic to the traditional values of Christianity. However, an
analysis of the annual Christmas Messages broadcast by the Queen
since 1953 prove conclusively that she is definitely not a Christian but a
strong advocate of Freemasonry. From the evidence - her own words -
it is obvious that she rejects the deity of Christ and espouses the ideals
of Freemasonry and its unbiblical gnostic philosophy. Christians need
to consider the implications of this very carefully since it is a clear sign
that the powerful elite who control Europe and America are following a
very specific, anti-Christian agenda. [Posted 09/05/2012]
The Ark of the Covenant and the Eye of Horus
Most students of the sinister power exercised by the Illuminati, or
Global Elite, are aware of the importance they attach to the Eye of
Horus symbol, especially when it is enclosed in a pyramid or triangle.
But few are aware of its connection with the Ark of the Covenant and
the incredibly blasphemous nature of its message. This paper explains
its hidden significance. [Posted 2010]
Freemasonry in Ireland and the Dublin Occult Grid
Few Irish people are aware of the influence which Freemasonry has
had, and continues to have, on the growth and development of their
country. Furthermore, few are aware of the distinctly anti-Christian
ethos which governs Freemasonry. This paper gives convincing
evidence that Dublin is criss-crossed by an occult grid which the
Masons put in place a few hundred years ago and which they continue
to maintain and expand. [This paper is an edited version of a more
detailed paper, previously published on this website - The Planned
Destruction of Christianity in Ireland .] [Posted 2009]