Bible Studies
A pharmakeia warning in the Old Testament There are aspects of God’s Word that have particular relevance for the time we are living in. Most would seem to be well understood, but there may still be a  few whose full significance has been overlooked. In this paper we examine  what we believe to be one such instance. As a warning against the dangers of  using mind-altering substances, or unwittingly exposing oneself to such  substances, the passage in question – Ezekiel 13:18-21 – is particularly  important, especially given the role that vaccines now play in modern life. [Posted 12/07/2024] What should the church be doing at this time? Many believers are grieving over the rank indifference by church leaders to the awful program of moral subversion which our respective governments have  been pursuing over the past ten years. These so-called leaders are behaving as  though the corruption of Christian morality was a matter of little or no  concern to them. In this paper we examine the many verses in Scripture which condemn their silence, their failure to sound the alarm and warn the flock. We would encourage our readers to share this paper as widely as possible.  [Posted 03/06/2024] The number of the beast As political tensions across the world reach a pitch of intensity not seen since  1945, Christians will need to familiarize themselves with the End Time events  described in the Word of God. They will all come to pass, just as the Bible  foretold. The fact that they are given in Bible prophecy is reason enough to  study them well and come to an understanding of what they might mean for  our respective nations and for the world as a whole. In this paper we examine  the number of the beast, which is mentioned only in the New Testament, and  contrast it with verses in the Old Testament which appear to anticipate it. [Posted 25/05/2024] God Answers Job  The modern preoccupation with ‘science’ and ‘reason’ has blinded many to the fact that their lives are driven by coercive influences which are grounded in  neither science nor reason. The pride of man has convinced him that he has all the answers, but what use are the ‘answers’ if they address all the wrong  questions? The Enemy does all he can to keep us from asking the only  question that matters. Until we do, we are at the mercy of our own fallen  nature. [Posted 05/05/2024] There is no Gematria in the Bible The Enemy is using every cunning device in his bag of tricks to mislead the  unwary and lure them into his den of darkness. Christians ought to see what  he’s up to, but all too often they trust the soothing voices of those who pedal  these empty ideas and seductive novelties. One such distraction is Gematria,  the attribution of numerological significance to letters and words. In this  paper we explain why the Bible is not to be interpreted by this means. [Posted 22/04/2024] What should faithful Christians do at this time? Many sincere Christians are seemingly unaware of the true spiritual condition  of the world around them. Others, however, can see how close we are to the  End Time and the awful events that Bible prophecy foretells. Many in the  latter category are asking what they can do to awaken their brethren or even  get them to weigh the evidence. In this paper we address this question at  length and, in the course of doing so, reveal the sinful silence that afflicts  Christian leaders in most parts of the world. [Posted 13/04/2024] The Prince of Peace We are a frail and sin-damaged creation, filled with pride and easily deceived.  Alas, this is not what we teach our children and it is definitely not the message  they receive via the media. Even among those who profess to be Christian  there are few who seem to see and accept this. Where the Bible warns of war  and turmoil, deceivers promise peace and prosperity to mankind. But the  Prince of Peace and the Lion of Judah are the same person. Peace will only  come on this earth when the wicked are destroyed by the Lion of Judah. The  peace that we enjoy as believers is not the ‘peace’ that the world admires. In  this paper we explore the true meaning of Our Lord’s divinely assigned title,  The Prince of Peace. [Posted 20/03/2024] Moreover by them is thy servant warned The Enemy has switched into high gear all the engines of his fury. The flood of  lies and misleading information today is phenomenal. We will only find our  way through this maze of confusion by sticking closely to God’s Word. As  Psalm 19 says, His Word not only instructs and guides us, but it also shows us  how to recognize the warnings given by the Holy Spirit. We need to read the  Bible every day and ask the LORD to open our understanding. We hope these  short meditations on Biblical scenes will offer some encouragement in this  regard. [Posted 11/11/2023] Unconfessed sin and directed-energy weapons We live in challenging times. Christians who fail to make full use of God’s  Word are at a great disadvantage. The Enemy is offering highly persuasive  reasons for not doing what the Word of God tells us to do. He is also making  great use of unconfessed sin to place a barrier between the believer and God.  In this paper we examine the way this is accelerating, to the point where  directed-energy weapons can be used to incinerate a seaside town and, despite all evidence to the contrary, most Christian leaders see no reason to doubt the  official account. [Posted 21/08/2023] The Nine Time Periods Where our secular education is concerned, history is a greatly neglected  subject. This neglect is exacerbated by the fact that those who design the  school curriculum or publish works of historical interest are able to  reinterpret the past to fit their own political agenda. For a Christian, the  historical perspective we adopt is central to our understanding of the Bible  and the plan of Redemption which unfolds gradually as we read through it.  The enemies of Christianity like to propose methods of Bible interpretation  which dilute its truth or cause confusion. In this paper we look at the nine  time periods in God’s plan for mankind and show how His version of history is  the one we must truly study and understand. [Posted 10/07/2023] The Seventy Weeks of Daniel  A sleeping church ignores prophecy. Rather than deal with it in a realistic way, it converts into metaphor and allegory those parts of the Bible that speak of an End Time tribulation. The rigor needed to interpret the Word of God correctly  is suddenly lacking where future prophetic events are concerned. In this paper we examine the prophetic calendar given in the Book of Daniel and show how  it provides a framework for interpreting End Time prophecy. [Posted 30/06/2023] Prayer is unfailingly fruitful We are living in a time of great change and potentially great turmoil.  Christians need to pray for each other like never before, to come before God  and ask that He bless and encourage the saints. We will meet with many non-   believers in the coming years who have lost all hope. They will need to see the  unshakeable foundation of those who trust in Christ – who, no doubt, will be  dealing with hardship of their own. Those who are strengthened by prayer will know how to counsel these troubled souls and share the gospel of salvation.  Great is His Mercy! [Posted 05/05/2023] The eternal security of believers Many of the truths of Christianity are under attack today. The Enemy wants  sow as much confusion as he can among true believers in order to weaken  their ability to oppose him through heartfelt prayer and worship. We can  remain on solid ground by continually measuring all we are being told against  the perfect standard of God’s Word. This takes discipline, especially when the  leaders whom we thought were completely faithful to His Word are drifting off course and ignoring part of what Scripture plainly states for our benefit. In  this paper we take a close look at the doctrine of eternal security and the  flawed arguments that are being used to bring it into disrepute. [Posted 08/04/2023] Maranatha or a Protestant Purgatory? The early Christians lived each day in the real expectation that Christ could  come for his Bride at any time. They often used the expression Maranatha!   ‘Our Lord, come!’ – to remind each other of the Lord’s imminent return. This  attitude has been almost entirely lost today. It is becoming increasingly  difficult to find Christians who glow with this certainty. Too many are falling  for the false Arminian belief that there is something we must do to  supplement what Jesus did for us on Calvary. This has caused some to wonder  if the Church must go through part of the Tribulation. In this paper we  provide sound Scriptural reasons to cast aside all doubt and live more fully in  the joy of our salvation. [Posted 21/01/2023] The attack on the Lord’s Supper The ordinance known as the Lord’s Supper, the eucharist or communion is at  the heart of Christian worship. To attack it in any way, as the Illuminati did in  2020 under the cover of ‘Covid’, is to attack Christianity itself. In this paper  we reflect on this attack, on the way it was carried out, and why the  institutional church has been so blind to the harm it has caused. Christians  will need to deepen their understanding of this wonderful ordinance if they  are to fend off the next attack and stand firm against the Enemy. [Posted 14/01/2023] Asking God for greater understanding With each passing day we hear of further attempts by the Marxist goons who  rule the West to impose yet another layer of totalitarian control. Pandemic  ‘passports’ are on the way, while children in Canada will soon be able to avail  of “assisted suicide”. It is now possible in most, if not all states in the US to  forcibly remove children from their parents if they refuse to have them  vaccinated. The parents can be declared mentally incompetent and guilty of  “medical neglect.” This prospect is one of the most frightening that any family  could face. These are evil days. Before long we will likely see a shift into a new  phase of the Communist plan to control the world. When that happens  Christians everywhere will need to come to a greater understanding of Satan’s  scheme to usurp Christ, destroy the church, and enslave humanity. [Posted 02/12/2022] A Diabolical Snare One of the least used words in our modern world is repentance. In this paper  we give copious evidence to show that the institutional church is in dire need  of repentance. Its leaders have behaved abominably and the vast majority of  its members have failed to ask the most obvious questions about their  wholesale endorsement of official government policy regarding ‘Covid’. The  Word of God has been cast aside and replaced with pseudo-scientific dogma  and Marxist propaganda. There is little recognition of the great harm which  these grievous sins are causing the visible church or their implications for its  future well-being. [Posted 10/11/2022] Face to Face In his appalling pride, man likes to imagine that he will someday become a  god. What is more, he believes he can do this through his own ingenuity and  intelligence. Alas, the Enemy has greatly deceived him and a dreadful  judgment awaits all who reject the salvation offered freely by Jesus. The great  End Time judgment is described in the Book of Revelation, a work in which  the Wrath of God finds full expression. However it is preceded by six Epistles  which collectively serve as a thoughtful, almost gentle, introduction to the  terrible events described in the Book of Revelation. These Epistles contain  blessed insights into these events and show why they are central to the  program of Redemption. [Posted 30/10/2022] Cautionary words on the End Time by H A Ironside Very few Christians today seem to study the old writers. If a book is more than  thirty years old, it is considered out-of-date. In reality, in our experience, if a  book was published in the last thirty years, it is probably full of compromise,  ecumenical nonsense, mystical ideas, and beguiling neo-pagan opinions.  Harry Ironside (1876-1951) was a remarkable expositor of Bible truth. He also  wrote with great clarity and precision. In this paper we present some  important ideas which he enunciated about the End Time and show how they  relate to current events. [Posted 17/09/2022] The Source of Spiritual Blindness The depth of spiritual blindness in the world today is breathtaking. The Bible  warned that this would come about in the End Time. Men are certainly lovers  of themselves, covetous, proud, boastful, blasphemers, giving heed to  seducing spirits and doctrines of demons. We can see evidence of this  everywhere. In this paper we examine passages of Scripture which address  this awful spiritual phenomenon and the way it has accelerated in recent  years. [Posted 24/04/2022] The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Any discussion of the Rapture of the church must be accompanied by a careful examination of Scripture. Our opinions are irrelevant. If we take the Bible as  the revealed Word of God then we are obliged to use it as our sole guide in  determining where the Rapture fits in the sequence of End Time events. Alas,  many who claim to be faithful to His Word are not doing so. In this paper we  highlight some of the main areas of confusion and show how Scripture itself  provides the answers. [Posted 02/04/2022] The Song of Solomon Many Bible commentators have tied themselves in knots trying to unravel the  narrative in The Song of Solomon. Most of them treat it from the outset as an  allegory and interpret it accordingly, guided by assumptions which have no  scriptural justification. Few treat it as a series of actual events, expressed in  cryptic, poetic language. Once one sees the general plot line, it is not too  difficult to identify the speaker in each instance and make sense of every  verse. It is important today that all believers grasp the significance of this  book and take to heart its wonderful central message. [Posted 05/02/2022] Baruch and The Rapture Many elements in the Illuminati plan to create chaos have been activated.  More are on the way. The list keeps getting longer. If believers allow  themselves to be distracted or upset by all that the Enemy is doing, they could  lose sight of the one task that really matters, namely spreading the Gospel. In  this paper we examine one of the main reasons why professing Christians are  unable to recognize how serious the world situation has become. [Posted 31/01/2022] Rest in the LORD  The hour is late, the world is changing, and many End Time signs are coming  into view. As the author of the letter to the Hebrews said, believers must  continue to meet and exhort one another, and to do so even more as they “see  the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25). The Enemy will try to prevent this,  just as he did during the height of the so-called pandemic. All kinds of rules  and restrictions will be invented to limit the assembly of the saints. In this  paper we examine the way fear will be used to unsettle the faithful and keep  them from proclaiming the Gospel. [Posted 20/01/2022] The Ten Plagues of Egypt Great advances in technology have been made over the past four decades or so  but much of this has been achieved under the cover of military secrecy. The  Enemy is preparing a number of “weapon systems” for use against mankind.  Some will be based on outright deception, such as an alien invasion, while  others will focus on social control. The same technology would also appear to  allow the Enemy to counterfeit the Ten Plagues of Egypt and thereby “avenge”  the humiliation recorded in the Book of Exodus. This paper examines how it  might be done. [Posted 09/01/2022] What is pleasing to God Man is free only when he is completely obedient to God, but this makes no  sense to our fallen nature. Some people have to be pushed to the utmost limits  before they can see this. We are entering a time when all the old certainties  will evaporate and the only anchor in our lives will be the joy we get from  serving God. In this paper we examine certain passages from Scripture which  may prove helpful to many of our readers in the days ahead. [Posted 11/09/2021] The planned collapse of Christendom We are witnessing today the culmination of a plan which was evidently  formulated in great detail many decades ago. In this paper we examine the  depopulation targets set by the Deagel corporation and show how closely they  align with the longstanding Illuminati plan to erase Christendom from the  map. We also show why Christians cannot afford to ignore the potential threat to humanity from the worldwide Covid vaccination program. Please share this  paper. The hour is late. [Posted 26/07/2021] The Glory that is Christ How often have we heard someone say, ‘Had I known how much was at stake,  I’d have made a much greater effort’? As Christians, we need to reflect more  on the Person of Christ, his role in history, and his coming return to earth as  King of kings and Lord of lords. The Bible sets out a much broader picture of  Jesus and his spiritual stature than the public is normally given by sincere  evangelists. In this paper we try to show how this has come about. [Posted 08/07/2021] The Blessed Hope The post-Covid normality that so many crave will not return. The Communists  will continue to dangle this prospect before the people, using it as a tool to  lead them by the nose into the next phase of their enslavement. Christians  who love the literal truth of God’s Word, however, can see how this cunning  trap has been designed. They are sustained by a better hope rooted firmly in  the promises of God. When a sense of despondency threatens to overwhelm  us, we can remind ourselves of this blessed hope and retrieve our peace of  mind - “for His mercy endureth forever.”  [Posted 17/03/2021] Pandemic Panic and the Ten Commandments The so-called Covid pandemic has been designed by the Elite to inflict great  damage on society. It has also been designed to harm the Church. In doing so  it is exploiting the great gap that exists between true Christian leaders, who  are a small minority, and the institutional office holders who seem perfectly  genuine until they are called upon to defend Biblical truth. These spineless  imposters find endless excuses to justify their inaction, their indifference and  – incredibly – their willingness to ignore or set aside several of the Ten  Commandments. In this paper we show just how far this betrayal has gone. [Posted 26/01/2021]