Bible Studies - continued
The Lion of Judah
Christians today, by and large, have forgotten the Lion of Judah. Most of them
have no idea who he is or why he is so important to the future of mankind. In
this paper we explore the verses of Scripture which describe this wonderful
being – the Son of God in his martial aspect – and the fatal, devastating blow
that he will deal to the Children of Wickedness when he returns. Let those
who grieve reflect with joy on these immensely uplifting verses.
[Posted 20/01/2021]
The Seven Seal Judgments
The Book of Revelation tells us where mankind is going. The wickedness in
the heart of man will eventually culminate in a dreadful rebellion against all
that is holy and righteous. When this happens the LORD will afflict all who
dwell upon the earth with a series of severe judgments or trials. In this paper
we examine the seven ‘Seal’ judgments and show how they are connected to
events and trends already taking place across the world. We begin with an
examination of the chemtrail phenomenon, a program designed to destroy our
environment which, incredibly, has been operating in plain view for nearly 40
years. [Posted 30/12/2020]
The Gods of Ancient Egypt and the Mark of the Beast
Many are asking about the Mark of the Beast and whether it will be associated
in some way with a microchip implant. In this paper we examine the
significance of the mark, both with reference to the seal of the Holy Spirit in
all believers and with reference to the injured pride of the gods of Ancient
Egypt. [Posted 2/05/2020]
The Complete Armor of God
As the forces of darkness on the earth intensify, all who believe in objective
truth and absolute moral values will become targets. Every Christian must
know how to put on the armor of God, not only for defensive purposes but
simply to live as God intended. Spiritually speaking, the world is in a state of
war. We need to familiarize ourselves with the methods that the Enemy is
using to attack us. Those who live from day to day without the armor that God
has provided are being incredibly foolish. [Posted 6/02/2020]
Our Original Parents Lived in a Garden of Music
Music is possibly the most ubiquitous phenomenon in our world today,
compared to a hundred years ago. We can hear any kind, any time, anywhere,
and listen to it all day long. Something that should be rare and special has
become mundane and commonplace. In this paper we look at music from a
Biblical perspective and the way the Enemy is using it to control society. We
also consider the steps we can take to incorporate it more successfully into our
spiritual lives. [Posted 21/01/2020]
Demons are Using the Ruling Elite to Enslave Mankind
If Christians studied the Bible as they should they would know that the fallen
angels are sworn enemies of man and that their leader is determined to take
complete control of the earth and all mankind. These supernatural entities are
using their fallen minds to influence the thoughts and attitudes of all
humanity, in particular those individuals who are most receptive to their
work. In this paper we show how their entire program of subversion is being
orchestrated, in preparation for the imposition of a New World Order.
[Posted 10/9/2019]
His Name is Jesus
Christianity is under attack from several directions. One of these is co-
ordinated by Talmudic Judaism which, by various means, is seeking to
redefine Christianity as a misconceived offshoot of Judaism, a wayward
branch which needs to be reinterpreted and reformulated along Talmudic
lines. Only when this Judaization process is carried out will Christians
discover the ‘real’ gospel. [Posted 14/8/2019]
The Reality of Eternal Judgment
In his fallen condition, man hates the idea of divine judgment. It irks him
intensely to think that his freedom might be constrained in any way. The
church today is led largely by people who fall into this category. This is why we
no longer hear passionate preaching against sin or any mention of hell or
eternal damnation. It suits the architects of the coming New World Order to
hide from natural man the devastating consequences of sin and to teach
instead the false doctrine of Universalism. [Posted 18/04/2019]
Curse ye Meroz, Curse ye Bitterly
The Laodicean church is a strange entity indeed. It is numbered among the
seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 of the Book of Revelation, but in the
description provided it seems more like a non-church than a church.
Doubtless, there were true believers among its congregation (which made it a
church) but the vast majority were seemingly going through the motions and
had neither a love of truth nor a hatred of evil. In this paper we look at the
church today with reference to the ancient town of Meroz.
[Posted 20/02/2019]
Biblical Proof of a Hidden Hand and a Dark Plan
Bible-believing Christians today are finding it difficult to convince fellow
believers that the world is run by a Luciferian Elite who are implementing a
dark plan for mankind. In this paper we examine the many Biblical passages
which warn of their existence and the plan they are following. Please share
this paper with those you love. [Posted 28/12/2018]
The Joy of Salvation in a Satanic World System
It is a great challenge for born-again Christians to live in the joy of their
salvation when the world is sliding ever further into darkness and apostasy. It
is made more difficult when Christian pastors, who ought to be addressing
this issue, are saying nothing. The Enemy benefits greatly from the
astonishing complacency of the Laodicean church. Since every true Christian
will be assailed from time to time by discouragement, it will help to examine it
carefully from a Biblical perspective. [Posted 28/11/2018]
Mission of the Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation
Unless Christians continue to make a close study of God's Word, they risk
being deceived by the countless lies being manufactured by the New World
Order. It is especially important to understand events relating to the Second
Coming of Christ. The Bible says a great deal about them because they really
matter. In this paper we will examine the mission and identity of the Two
Witnesses and how the world will react to their presence. We wish to
highlight, among others things, the role that the media will play in shaping
public perception during these turbulent times and turning truth upside
down. [Posted 04/07/2018]
The Scriptural Basis for the Lord’s Day
The Biblical foundation for the Lord's Day is not well understood. It is often
confused with the Sabbath. This paper examines its origin and shows why
believers may need to reflect more deeply on its significance and the precious
opportunity that it gives to draw closer to God. [Posted 02/01/2017]
The Sign of Jonah - Three Days and Three Nights
An accurate analysis of Scripture will show that Jesus was crucified on a
Wednesday, not a Friday, and that he was three full days and three full nights
in the tomb. This paper also gives strong evidence that the Crucifixion took
place on Wednesday 7th April, 32 A.D. [Posted 18/12/2016]
The Deity of Jesus and a Seriously Flawed Tract
The most basic doctrines of Christianity are under severe attack almost
everywhere. Chief among these is the doctrine that Jesus was God incarnate.
An essential element of this doctrine is that Jesus, in the course of his earthly
ministry, clearly identified himself with the LORD. In short, he personally
confirmed that he was God incarnate. This doctrine must be fully understood
and faithfully communicated by all believers. Unfortunately, many are failing
to do this. One well-known discernment ministry, Lighthouse Trails, has even
issued a tract on this topic which is so seriously flawed that it ought to be
withdrawn. This paper explains why. [Posted 24/04/2016]
Let’s Talk about Calvinism
Men have invented many ways to share the Gospel that are not scripturally
correct. The Enemy too has a keen interest in formulations of the Gospel that
serve only to disguise its true message. While traditional Calvinism has many
great strengths, it has often taught a version of the Gospel which portrays God
in a very strange light. This paper points to a serious problem at the heart of
Calvinism, a problem which is drawing the Presbyterian church in America
ever closer to Rome. [Posted 23/02/2016]
New Study of the Tabernacle and the Offerings
This is a detailed study of the Tabernacle and the Offerings, with particular
reference to the many ways the modern church has departed from the truths
expressed in the Pentateuch - the first five books of the Bible. Many important
doctrines in the New Testament cannot be understood correctly without a
sound knowledge of the Tabernacle and the Offerings. [Please note that the
study is still in draft form.] [Posted 01/01/2016]
Fatal Flaws in the Gap Theory
The Gap Theory claims that there was a lengthy passage of time between the
events described in Genesis 1:1 and those described in 1:2. Far more Christian
leaders subscribe to this theory than is generally known. But the theory is
false. This paper examines the serious errors of interpretation that have been
used to promote it. It also explains how the theory undermines the plain truth
of Scripture, impugns the sovereignty of God, and opens the door to science
fiction and New Age heresy. [Posted 01/01/2016]
Speaking in Tongues - why the modern practice is unscriptural
Speaking in tongues is a greatly misunderstood phenomenon. The modern
practice is both unscriptural and potentially harmful. This paper examines the
subject in depth and shows how sincere Christians are violating the rules for
tongue-speaking that are set down clearly in Scripture. [This is a revised
version of a paper on the same subject which was published on this website in
March, 2010.] [Posted 20/11/2015]
What will Jesus ask You at the Judgment Seat?
There is seemingly a large segment of the church today with little or no
understanding of the Judgment Seat. Many seem to forget that even the saved
are judged. Seldom do we hear any reference to the rewards and "crowns" that
Christ will give to faithful believers. In this paper we examine the Scriptural
basis for this End Time event and its implications in eternity for all believers.
[Posted 03/02/2015]
The Real Meaning of Salvation
There is a lot of confusion today, even among long-time believers, of the real
meaning of salvation from a strictly Biblical perspective. In all there are eight
terms which need to be properly understood if the power of the Gospel is to be
conveyed in its fulness. The definitions in this paper, which should be read as
a set, may be of assistance to readers who are keen to share the Gospel
message more effectively. [Posted 24/01/2015]
'Great Words of the Gospel' by H A Ironside
This book is being made available here for the first time as a free e-book for
downloading (Another version on the Internet has many errors and
omissions). It has been thoroughly checked and proofed against the original,
which was published in 1944. Harry Ironside published many outstanding
expository works, and had both a great knowledge of the Scriptures and a
remarkable gift for explaining them clearly and concisely. This short work
(about 90 pages or so) is ideal for new believers, as well as a witnessing tool
for sincere enquirers. Many long-time believers would also benefit from a
careful reading of this work since it expounds upon truths of immense
importance to all who sincerely want to reach out to the lost.
[Posted 23/06/2014]
Prayer addressed to the Holy Spirit is Unscriptural
Most Christians do not seem to understand that prayer addressed to the Holy
Spirit is unscriptural. It can even lead to New Age heresy and serious spiritual
confusion. The Roman Catholic church is using the 'Come, Holy Spirit'
invocation to lure true Bible-believing churches into the snare of Rome.
Indeed,the Charismatic movement has been developed mainly for that
purpose. Christians need to have a very clear understanding that the Holy
Spirit is not a force or a fluid or a substance, but a Person. Otherwise they risk
falling into a range of dangerous traps and heresies. [Posted 25/08/2012]
What does it mean to be 'Born Again'?
This short paper describes what a Christian means when he says he has been
born again. It is suitable as an explanatory brochure/flyer for friends and
acquaintances who may be enquiring about true Biblical Christianity. It may
also help born-again Christians explain more clearly what they experienced
when they were born again. [Posted 3/3/2011]
Eternal Security & Unconditional Assurance
Many Christians misunderstand the doctrine of Eternal Security, the Biblical
principle enshrined in Romans 8:16: "The Spirit beareth witness with our
spirit, that we are the children of God." Once your Father has adopted you,
you can never be disowned. You are His child forever, even if you wander far
from His precepts. The Catholic Church and certain Protestant denominations
hold to the doctrine of Arminianism, which denies the principle of Eternal
Security. They hold that it is possible for a person who has been saved to later
lose his salvation. But this imposes qualifications on the sufficiency of what
Christ achieved for us on the Cross. It also flies in the face of numerous
scriptural passages which assert unequivocally that, at the moment of
salvation, we are changed forever. If you are unsure about the wonderful gift
which Christ has given us, please read this paper.
[Posted 2009]
Why the King James Bible is by far the Best
This paper uses countless examples to show how the numerous modern
translations of the Bible into English are seriously flawed and, furthermore,
that many of these flaws are deliberate. One of the worst offenders is the NIV
(New International Version), which systematically skews and undermines
many key tenets of Christianity. The most reliable translation of the Bible into
English is the King James Version (KJV) of 1611. To download a copy of the
KJV onto your hard disk go to Printable version of the King James Bible. To
obtain an MP3 version (to play in your car, while out walking etc), go to Audio
version of the King James Bible. You will be amazed how wonderful it is to
just listen to the word of God. [Posted 2009]
A Study of Satan in History
A fascinating paper exploring the role of Satan in history and how his goal of
world domination is having a direct influence on events today. The author
supports his analysis with extensive scriptural references and a deep insight
into God's programme of Redemption for mankind. A truly priceless paper for
all Christians. [Posted 2009]
True Salvation and the True Gospel
Another compelling paper, this time on Biblical Salvation. The author cuts
through all the confusion and misinformation about this crucial topic. Unless
we are clear about the true nature of Salvation, we are in serious trouble.
[Posted 2009]