Rabbis who opposed the creation of the state of Israel
In this paper we examine the attitude generally among Jews to the
creation of the state of Israel in 1948. Many Christians are now asking
themselves whether the formation of the new state was in accordance
with Bible prophecy. If it was, then how are we to understand the forces
that are driving her today and motivating her leaders? Given the role
that Israel plays in End Time prophecy it is important that we study
carefully what God has revealed about these events for our benefit.
[Posted 16/12/2023]
The Church has not replaced Israel
The tragic events in Gaza are causing many to question the legitimacy
of Israel as a sovereign nation. This is related in part to a doctrine
taught by the Catholic church, as well as many Christian denom-
inations, known as Replacement Theology. It teaches that the Church
replaced Israel in God’s promises when the Jews rejected their Messiah.
This means that all Bible prophecies relating to Israel were fulfilled
when Christ left the earth and none pertain to the End Time. In this
paper we endeavor to show that this not true, that Replacement
Theology is seriously flawed, and that, despite appearances, a sizeable
proportion of world Jewry will accept Jesus as the Messiah when he
returns. [Posted 07/12/2023]
The Nature of Antisemitism
The safety of Jews, both in Israel and in other parts of the world, has
been greatly compromised by the overwhelming use of force by the
Netanyahu government in Gaza. Blame for the mass murder of
innocent civilians, many of whom are children, will be unfairly
attributed to Jews in general. We are likely to witness a marked
increase in Antisemitic behavior in many countries and a growing bias
against Israel in the media. In this paper we examine the nature of
Antisemitism, with particular reference to God’s Word and the
perspective of professing Christians. [Posted 20/11/2023]
The Middle East conflict
The situation in the Middle East continues to escalate and calamitous
events are in prospect. In this paper we examine the attack on Israel by
Arab terrorists on October 7th, the alleged failure of the Israeli
surveillance system, and the plight of the civilian population in Gaza. If
we are to understand what is happening from a Biblical perspective we
first need to understand why God created the nation of Israel in ancient
times, why His covenant with her still stands, and why she is destined
to face, whether now or later, what the Bible calls “the time of Jacob’s
trouble.” [Posted 03/11/2023]
Israel and the End Time
We have written several papers about Israel and its role in End Time
prophecy. In this paper we discuss the sharp distinction between the
‘remnant of Jacob’ and the ‘Synagogue of Satan’. Serious errors are
being made by modern commentators when they confuse the two. We
focus on a book, The Matrix of Gog, which makes more errors than
most. Christians are failing to test these spurious claims against
Scripture and establish with certainty what the LORD has revealed. The
coming turmoil on the world stage will see a massive increase in the
animus directed at Jews. [Posted 18/07/2022]
The Synagogue of Satan
Jesus told us to beware of the Synagogue of Satan. This is a highly
secretive group which purports to be Jewish, but is not. It has grown
enormously in power and influence since it was mentioned by name in
the Book of Revelation around 95 AD. In this paper we examine several
passages from the Bible which reveal its true character and the awful
threat it poses to mankind. In doing so we distinguish between Biblical
Zionism and Secular Zionism and discuss the problems that arise when
society fails to see the vast difference between the two.
[Posted 18/06/2022]
The Jewish people in End Time prophecy
Around a hundred years ago most born-again Christians had a good
understanding of Bible prophecy as it relates to the Jewish people. Alas,
this is no longer the case. Even authors today who appear to be well-
meaning are making serious mistakes in their interpretation of
Scripture. This only generates confusion and obscures the true meaning
of Bible prophecy. In this paper we address one major source of error
and expose the feeble and mischievous scholarship being used to
promote it. [Posted 01/07/2021]
The Worldwide Jewish Prayer of 21 February
In this paper we discuss the worldwide Jewish prayer scheduled for
18.00 Jerusalem time on Sunday 21 February. The prayer calls for the
immediate public appearance of the Moshiach (Messiah) and the
revelation of the “Great and One” name of the “Master of the Universe.”
It also calls for the restoration of the divine presence to the temple
which the Jews are planning to build in Jerusalem. All Jews around the
world are being invited to participate – “all Jews as one.”
[Posted 20/02/2021]
Biblical Zionism or Christian Zionism?
The Word of God tells us to study the signs of the End Times and relate
them (as best we can) to Bible prophecy. This is a task which few
professing Christians bother to address. By failing to do so they allow
the Enemy to twist and misinterpret the Word of God to suit his
purposes. Some of these distortions are rather crude, but many are
subtle and, unless we are careful, we will take our cue from the wrong
sources. In this paper we examine the difference between Biblical
Zionism, which is the LORD’s plan for Israel, and the movement known
as Christian Zionism, which departs in many respects from God’s Word.
[Posted 29/05/2019]
Biblical Zionism and Its Enemies
All roads lead to Jerusalem. The LORD chose a people, but He also
chose a land and a city. The people rebelled but they will one day return
to the state of perfect obedience which the LORD had envisaged for
them initially. This will involve exercising undisputed sovereignty over
the territory which the LORD granted for their use, under the
leadership of the Messiah. This is the true meaning of Zionism.
However, Satan wants the same city and the same land for his own false
messiah, the Antichrist. Thus, as this paper explains, there are two
'Zionisms' in the world today, Biblical Zionism and Secular Zionism.
Christians will need to distinguish between the two if they are to
correctly interpret Bible prophecy in the years ahead.
[Posted 09/09/2017]
The LORD Chose Jerusalem for His Son
The political situation in the world today is almost impossible to
understand unless one sees what the Enemy is trying to achieve. He
wants to own and control Jerusalem. Toward that end he is engineering
world events so that, when the Antichrist arrives, he will be able to take
the Holy City for himself. This paper gives extensive scriptural evidence
to show why this is happening. We would urge all our readers to
consider the extraordinary role that Jerusalem will continue to play in
God’s plan for mankind. [Posted 28/08/2017]
A Biblical View of the Holocaust
The Shoah or Holocaust was a real historical event. More and more
professing Christians are listening to the sceptics and being drawn into
the strange world of 'Holocaust denial'. This paper examines the
Holocaust from a Biblical perspective and shows how the ultimate
death toll – between 5 and 6 million – was estimated by historians.
Christians need to understand the prophetic implications of this tragic
event and the way it aligns with the Word of God. [Posted 18/08/2017]
The US Betrayal of Israel
The US failed to veto a resolution by the UN Security Council on 23
December 2016 which is deeply hostile to Israel. This has given rise to
a situation which is now irretrievable, regardless of the attitude of the
incoming President. Obama’s calamitous decision will have major
implications for the Middle East, the US, and the rest of the world.
[Posted 29/12/2016]
Israel and the Rise of 'Christian' Antisemitism
Many prophecies relating to the End Time are taking shape before our
eyes. Alas, few Christian preachers and pastors seem to be interpret-ing
these events as they should and instucting their flocks accordingly.
Some are even hostile to Israel and her very existence. In this paper we
examine the role of Israel in End Time prophecy, with particular
reference to the rise of 'Christian' Antisemitism and the false teaching
known as Replacement Theology. [Posted 27/03/2015]
The Commitment to Israel by the Pre-incarnate Christ
Anti-Semitism is on the increase again around the world. Christians
need to have a clear understanding of God's relationship with his
Chosen People and his plan for them in the coming years, as set out in
Scripture. In his pre-incarnate form, Christ told the tribes of Israel that
he would never break his covenant with them. This paper explores the
background to this commitment and its implications for future world
events. [Posted 15/03/2012]
Replacement Theology is one of Satan's Greatest Lies
Replacement Theology, which is accepted by most branches of
mainstream Christianity, is the view that the church has replaced Israel.
Despite its widespread acceptance, this doctrine is actually false. A
careful examination of scripture shows that it is full of contradictions
and in serious conflict with the promises that the LORD made to Israel
in the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants. This paper reveals the true
nature of Replacement Theology, its dark purpose, and the many
reasons why born-again Christians should reject it utterly.
[Posted 17/12/2011]
Bible Prophecies foretold the Foundation of Israel in 1948
A fascinating analysis of two Biblical prophecies - one in Daniel and one
in Ezekiel - which foretold the year in which the modern state of Israel
would be founded. They draw upon the work of two authors, David
Flynn and David Brennan, and highlight the extraordinary connection
between their interpretations. If you are not yet convinced that the
LORD has very definite plans for the future of Israel, then please read
this analysis. It is eye-opening. [Posted 2010]
Review of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
There is much confusion about the true nature of the Arab-Israeli
conflict. The Illuminati are now turning their global propaganda
machine into high gear, with Israel portrayed universally as the 'bad
guy'. Turkey has now been added to the long list of countries
determined to subjugate and, if possible, destroy this tiny country. All
Christians need to be familiar with the recent history of Israel if they
are to understand how it fits into God's overall plan and where this plan
is leading. Even though the Illuminati had a major role in the creation
of Israel, ultimately they are not the ones in control. God is still
sovereign. He is still in command. We will need to remind ourselves
many times of this basic truth during the coming turmoil.
[Posted 2010]