The Rapture of the Church
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture The website, Hugo Talks, recently posted two videos denouncing the  Pre-Tribulation Rapture. He professed to deal with the subject in a fair  and rational manner but in reality his treatment of this Biblical doctrine  proved to be nothing but a carefully scripted hit piece. His YouTube  channel attracted a large number of comments, many of which revealed  how easily people are taken in by shallow rhetoric and a flagrant misuse  of Scripture. Christians must exercise great discernment in these  matters, recognizing that the Enemy will continue to do all he can to  malign certain doctrines and discourage believers. [Posted 17/07/2023] The Wrath of God and the Bride of Christ The Rapture will be a glorious day in the history of the church. We need  to understand it! The Enemy hates this gift from heaven and wants as  much as possible to confuse the saints regarding both the nature and the  timing of this event. Relevant verses in nearly all of the modern  translations of the Bible have been deliberately corrupted to hide the  truth of the Rapture. The NIV is an especially corrupt piece of work. In  this paper we raise issues which all believers need to consider with great  diligence and objectivity. [Posted 12/7/2019]  Why the Enemy Hates the Pre-Tribulation Rapture The Roman Catholic church has placed many of her people in positions  of influence among the Evangelical community. These profess to defend  true Biblical Christianity but in practise they work together to lure born-   again Christians into the grip of Rome. One of her shills could attack a  particular doctrine, while another would pretend to defend it. This is  how the Great Apostasy is being engineered. One doctrine they really  seem to hate is the Pre-Tribulation Rapture. This paper reveals a  depressing example of this vile strategy.  [Posted 06/10/2016] Solid Scriptural Proof of a Pre-tribulation Rapture The doctrine of a Pre-tribulation Rapture is coming under intense attack  from several quarters and is likely to be assailed with even greater vigor  in the years ahead. The architects of the coming One World religion  despise it and want it abolished. The recent DVD by Good Faith  Ministries – Left Behind or Led Astray? – is part of this co-ordinated  attack. Readers are invited to explore the startling evidence in this paper  that the Bible most definitely teaches a Pre-tribulation Rapture. [Posted 27/03/2016]   Christ came Twice at his First Coming - Facts about the Rapture There is strong pressure within the professing Christian church today to  reject a Pre-Tribulation Rapture on the erroneous grounds that it has  weak scriptural support. As Bible-believing Christians, we must look at  all times to what the Word of God actually says and not be swayed by  fashionable trends or sceptical opinions. This paper shows how one of  the strongest arguments for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture has apparently  been overlooked. Christians need to reflect prayerfully on this important  subject.  [Posted 27/10/2015] Beware of the False Antichrist and a False Rapture The Lord warned that, as the End Time drew closer, we should "Watch!"  and not be deceived. This paper discusses the possibility of both a False  Antichrist and a False Rapture. While certainly a perplexing topic, it is  one which in our opinion all students of Bible prophecy should earnestly  consider. The paper shows the considerable impact that such a deception would have and the potent blend of fear and confusion it would cause.  The Enemy could exploit this handsomely for his own purpose, to  strengthen the hand of the False Prophet and to convince the world that  the man who defeats the False Antichrist is the true Messiah.  [Posted 10/07/2014] Understanding the Rapture from a strictly Biblical Perspective The Enemy has managed to cause a great deal of confusion among  Christians regarding the Rapture (harpazo) of the church. Rather than  examining the passages of Scripture which speak of the Rapture, many  professing Christians have chosen instead to give credence to the  sceptics and their garbled version of the Rapture doctrine. In this paper  we take a journey through the passages concerned and show the glorious  validity of the Rapture. [Posted 18/08/2011]