Bible Prophecy
USA - Judgment Pending
While the prophet Jeremiah was speaking only of ancient Judea, and
not America in any prophetic sense, his assessment of her spiritual
condition was remarkably similar to that of the USA today. In fact the
similarities are shocking. And when one bears in mind that the LORD
saw fit to utterly destroy Jerusalem in 586 BC - as punishment for her
transgressions - we must consider very seriously the prospect that a
similar judgment is about to befall America and her backslidden
people. [Posted 06/06/2012]
Psalm 83 and the Survival of Israel
Many of the Biblical prophecies which have yet to be fulfilled relate to
Israel and its survival. This paper examines the importance of Psalm
83 in the context of current developments in the Middle East and, in
particular, the spiritual context in which they are happening.
[Posted 12/5/2011]
Israel, Islam and the Antichrist
We give here a detailed summary of a book by Walid Shoebat, God's
War on Terror. Shoebat presents the view that the End Time armies,
which the Antichrist will lead into Israel, will all be Islamic. He also
argues that the Antichrist will be a Muslim and that Turkey will play a
major role in organizing the Islamic nations into the most powerful
and most dangerous political entity on earth. While this book is
certainly compelling, it is based on a peculiar form of Biblical exegesis
and offers an End Time scenario that fits too comfortably with what
the Illuminati are trying to achieve in the Middle East. More reliable
Biblical accounts of End Time prophecy may be found in The Footsteps
of the Messiah by Arnold Fruchtenbaum, The Greatness of the
Kingdom by Alva McClain, and Understanding End Times Prophecy
by Paul Benware. [Posted 2010]
Thirty Undeniable Signs of the End-Time
This paper sets out detailed evidence which indicates that we are in, or
very close to, the End Time which the Bible warned us about. The
paper gives 30 signs in all and describes how they accord with biblical
prophecy. Further signs and related evidence could have been
included, but the paper is designed to draw primarily on facts and
events which most readers are already familiar with. [Posted 2009]