Covert Warfare
Eight Mice and Excess Deaths in the US
The average person has a hard time with facts and figures. He generally
likes to have them explained to him, usually by someone in authority.
However, when those in authority are ignoring the facts and figures, the
average person is at a loss. There is a wealth of reliable data to show that
the Covid ‘vaccine’ is harmful, and that the next ‘vaccine’ – already
approved – will be just as harmful. Alas, the public is not hearing about this
from the mainstream media and most people have no incentive to do their
own research online. In this paper we will give hard data which everyone
ought to know about. We will also warn of the danger posed by the next
round of experimental, untested injections. [Posted 21/09/2023]
The Enemy is using music as a weapon
Wrestlers speak of fights in which no holds are barred. The Enemy wrestles
with man in much the same way. He will take what we enjoy and find a way
to use it for his purpose. Music is a classic example of this. It ought to be a
source of spiritual nourishment, but for many it is a sedative which weakens
their capacity for independent thought. The pop music scene has become a
sophisticated tool for programming the minds and emotions of young
adults, teens, and even pre-teens. It blights their innate hunger for God,
just as rock music did in the Seventies. In this paper we examine some of
the ways Satan has taken control of the music industry.
[Posted 07/08/2023]
The approaching food supply crisis
Society can function normally for only 4-5 days at most if the food supply is
cut off. Great social unrest can also be created by driving the price of basic
food items beyond the means of lower income families. Following a
multitude of mergers and acquisitions in the food industry over the past
twenty years or so the security of our food supply now depends on the good
will of a relatively small number of mega-corporations. In addition to this,
energy and fertilizer, the two major inputs into food production, are also
dominated by just a few corporations. The Elite now have all the tools they
need to tighten the food supply and generate great social distress. In this
paper we discuss both the methods they have been using to obtain this level
of control and the pattern of recent events which strongly suggests that they
will shortly put their plan into effect. [Posted 04/07/2022]
Biosensors are being implanted via Covid vaccines
There is a wealth of information on the Internet, for those who care to look,
showing that the Covid “vaccines” contain numerous ingredients which
have nothing to do with human health issues. The World Economic Forum
has boasted that biosensors are being used to collect huge quantities of data
on “the surveillance and tracking of coronavirus.” They are calling this
technology “The Internet of Bodies.” The bodies in question are human
bodies, and the biosensors in question have been implanted, without their
knowledge or approval, in all recipients of a Covid vaccine shot. The Ruling
Elite are building a worldwide surveillance and tracking system, a prison
without walls. [Posted 23/12/2021]
Fake Marburg virus pandemic
There are strong indications that the crew who planned the Covid
‘pandemic’ are preparing to initiate phase two of their dark campaign. This
will likely involve the emergence in Western society of a new, highly
contagious pathogen. The prime candidates would appear to be Marburg
and Ebola. The public has been conditioned over the past twenty years or so
to expect a serious outbreak of these diseases. In this paper we examine the
evidence pointing to this plan and the massive social disruption which these
demonised criminals are hoping to achieve. [Posted 08/10/2021]
Evidence that graphene oxide is being sprayed over Ireland
For decades the skies over most western countries have been sprayed with
an aerosol whose constituents have never been officially disclosed. We have
proof that graphene oxide has been added to the mix and may even be
dispersed as a separate entity. Graphene oxide is toxic, especially when
agitated by electromagnetic radiation. If the current chemtrail regime
includes graphene oxide, then Irish citizens are unknowingly inhaling this
substance. Once the 5G network across Ireland becomes fully operational,
many of these people will suffer severe respiratory problems and will
require hospitalization. This is very likely happening in many other
countries. All of these cases will be blamed on a Coronavirus or a spurious
new pathogen such as Marburg virus. [Posted 29/09/2021]
Earthquakes in “divers places”
Increased seismic activity will mark the End Time. Much of this will be
highly destructive. Jesus drew attention to this in Matthew chapter 24. In
this paper we show how modern technology can facilitate the creation of
earthquakes. At least one international convention exists to limit the use of
such technology. If the ‘Great Reset’ signals a major acceleration in the plan
to create a New World Order, then we can expect this kind of technology to
be deployed before very long. [Posted 18/09/2021]
Mind control is much more dangerous than we realize
In this paper we will show how far mind control technology has advanced in
recent years. We will also show the immense harm that the Elite are now
able to inflict on society using this invisible, undetectable means of
indoctrination. The extraordinary extent to which the public in the US,
Europe and Australia have submitted to the draconian Covid restrictions
may be attributable largely to the clever covert use of mind control
technology. When properly chosen and delivered over a long period,
subliminal instructions can have a powerful effect on our behavior, our
attitudes and our emotional states. [Posted 11/09/2020]
Non-Existent Morality: The Malibu Firestorm
The recent ‘wild fire’ that destroyed a large part of Malibu in California was
a man-made event. The photos show fire damage that could not possibly
have been caused by a timber-fuelled fire. This tragic event is proof that the
masterminds behind the NWO are fully prepared to murder American
citizens - in this case over 1,000 - in pursuit of their nefarious goals.
[Posted 19/11/2018]
The Poisoning of Our Skies
Even though our skies are criss-crossed weekly, and sometimes daily, with
fine white lines of 'cloud', few members of the public are bothering to
question this unusual phenomenon. The 'cloud' is actually a fine chemical
spray distributed by aircraft commissioned specifically for this purpose.
Why are our skies being sprayed in this manner, why is it being done
without any official explanation, and what substances are being sprayed?
There is mounting evidence internationally that the spray (or chemtrail) is
injurious to human health and harmful to the environment. Law-abiding
citizens everywhere ought to be very concerned by this ongoing covert
operation. [Posted 16/6/2011]
The Japanese Earthquake and the Ring of Fire
The mainstream media never refer to the existence of earthquake-
generating technology. A patent for such a device was filed with the US
Patents Office in 1985, and a former US Secretary for Defense referred to
the existence of such technology. So is it being used? And if so, by whom,
against whom, and for what purpose? Much of what is happening in the
world today cannot be understood until one sees the dark agenda behind
many seemingly natural and accidental events. The Japanese earthquake of
11 March 2011 could conceivably be part of this sinister agenda. If it is, then
the sequence of devastating earthquakes around the Pacific rim over the
past few years - Haiti, Chile, New Zealand, Indonesia, China, Japan - would
suggest that the west coast of North America is next. It is important that all
born-again Christians take stock of these developments and seek guidance
through prayer and scripture. [Posted 14/3/2011]
The 'Blackjack' Nuclear Warning in the UK Telegraph Newspaper
The staid establishment British newspaper, The Telegraph, ran a disturbing
comic strip in January 2009 in which a series of nuclear devices [so-called]
were detonated by terrorists in London and six N American cities, including
New York and Washington DC. The strip could be taken merely as a bizarre
piece of political fiction or as a brazen, no-holds-barred warning about
coming events. Given that the events depicted in the strip are fully
consistent with the goals and methods of the Global Elite and their stated
intention of creating a 'New World Order', its sinister message (or
'telegraph') should not be ignored. This paper reproduces most of the
images used in the strip, with a set of explanatory comments.
[Posted 2010]
World War II - How a Global Elite controlled Both Sides
This paper may help anyone who is sceptical about the existence of the
Illuminati (Global Elite) and the hugely destructive methods they are using
to create a New World Order. A modest knowledge of history will help, but
it's not essential. The paper ends with an explanation of the way Satan's
goals and those of the Illuminati are interconnected. You may find it useful
to read 'A Study of Satan in History' (cited below) in association with this
one. [Posted 2009]