True Cosmology and Satan's Alternative Reality
The false nuclear radiation narrative There are strong indications that the ‘special military operation’ that  Russia is conducting in the Ukraine will soon escalate into a full-scale war  involving a number of countries. President Putin has expressed his  intention to use nuclear weapons if the US sends troops into the conflict.  In light of this we need to consider whether Europe could be threatened at  some stage by radioactive fallout. In this paper we show why, in our  opinion, explosive nuclear devices do not exist and that the threat of  radiation poisoning is merely a psychological ploy. We also discuss the  Illuminati plan to greatly expand the conflict in the Middle East. [Posted 30/03/2024] The Nephilim, ETs, UFOs and similar tales Our modern culture is awash with nonsense of all kinds. We call it fiction  and imagination, but there is such a large amount of it that the fine line  between fantasy and reality is sometimes difficult to discern. Many find it  exciting to pretend that the line is not fixed. This Matrix-type attitude has  found its way into Biblical theology. More and more Christians are giving  credence to ETs, UFOs and hybrid beings known as ‘Nephilim’. In our  paper we examine the background to this trend and show how it will  bolster the great End Time deception. [Posted 17/06/2023] Greenhouse Gas Propaganda The global warming hoax is moving into high gear. Despite their God-given intelligence, tens of millions of rational people believe the lies. There is no  such thing as a “greenhouse gas”. So, when venal politicians try to “reduce  emissions” and set idiotic targets, they are betraying the public. The plan  they are following is crafted and overseen by a small cadre of very clever  scientists who have been recruited by the ultra-rich Elite to beguile the  masses with pseudo-scientific garbage. Christians should be able to see  through the lies, but a great many are taken in by this grotesque deception.  [Posted 09/06/2023] COP27 and the new ‘ten commandments’ Christians have difficulty recognizing just how wicked and duplicitous  their world leaders have become. They are now engaging in activities in  plain view which show that they intend to inflict great harm on humanity.  In this paper we examine the recent UN conference on ‘climate change’,  known as COP27, where further strides were made toward the enslavement of Europe and N America using the hoax known as global warming. They  have even published their own version of the Ten Commandments and  intend to formulate a ‘Third Covenant’. [Posted 12/12/2022] Artificial intelligence and the supernatural Artificial intelligence technology has advanced in leaps and bounds over  the past ten years. The transhumanist future that the Elite are planning for mankind will make significant use of this technology. A new kind of  computer processor has also been developed which allegedly works by  performing computations at a quantum or interdimensional level. This  offers processing speeds that are vastly greater, by orders of magnitude,  than the fastest supercomputers in operation today. The interdimensional  nature of this technology compels one to ask whether a non-physical  intelligence could interact with it and, if so, what implications this would  have for mankind? [Posted 27/03/2022] The Fourth Phase of Mass Insanity We are hearing frequent reference to the ‘normals’, namely those who  expect life to return to how it has always been, and the ‘wakened’, those  who know something is seriously wrong with how the world is run. In this  paper we examine the fourth (and final) stage of mass insanity, where the  ‘normals’ follow their blind leaders off a cliff. We look at mind control,  cosmology, ETs and La Palma. Most of all, we look to the glorious return of Christ and reflect on his comforting words in Psalm 46. [Posted 29/10/2021] The Lie in the Sky: Manmade Global Warming The Antichrist agenda is moving ahead very rapidly. The Elite are  determined to “de-carbonize” the economy, using the hoax of global  warming. In their language, this is merely a euphemism for  de-   industrialization in the West, followed by a massive reduction in  population. In this paper we explain the many reasons why global warming is a sham based on false data, false models, non-scientific deductions, and  relentless propaganda. [Posted 1/11/2019]  The Elite Warn Christians - Don’t read these verses!  The censorship noose is tightening. So-called Christian leaders are now  telling their followers not to read the verses in the Bible relating to  cosmology. Far too many are doing so and concluding that the earth really  IS stationary and flat. They now know that the Babylonians at NASA are  lying. The latest attack comes from Creation Ministries International,  which presumes to have the authority to tell Christians what to believe and  to label as "cult" members anyone who disagrees with them. Read this  account and decide for yourself. [Posted 12/09/2018] Weasel Words and 'Outer Space'  The sinister practitioners of the art of lying to mankind are highly  experienced. They have been in the game a long time and under-stand it  extremely well. They know, for example, how to twist and distort the  natural meaning of words so that they affect our minds in subtle ways.  These can build on one another so that, over the course of time, we end up  believing in things that don't exist. This paper examines the way the Elite  have used certain weasel words, such as 'outer space', to create a false  reality for mankind. [Posted 17/06/2018]  Biblical Cosmology and Censorship in the Church The powers that be have spent centuries creating the illusion known as  ‘Outer Space’. Central to this illusion is the globe earth. They are  determined to stamp out any discussion of the many verses and passages  in the Bible which point to a flat, stationary earth. A form of censorship is  being imposed in a hamfisted and arrogant manner  by people who  ought to know better. This paper exposes what is happening and exhorts  all who love God’s Word to look closely at what the Holy Spirit has told us  about Creation. [Posted 14/05/2018] The Mind Control Technique known as 'Magical Thinking' Mind control is a key component in the Illuminati program to bring about  a New World Order. Virtually everything on this website addresses some  aspect of mind control. In this paper we explore a mind control technique  that seems to be little understood but which is having an enormous impact  on the way we perceive the world around us. Known as 'magical thinking' it neutralizes our ability to think rationally and greatly enhances the impact  of other mind control techniques. [Posted 30/11/2017]   Is the Kingdom of Christ a Tiny Speck? In this paper we ask a very simple question: Is the earth a tiny speck in the  dark depths of space? The Luciferian cult that controls modern science  insists that it is, while the Bible clearly teaches that this is impossible.  Scripture tells us that the earth is by far the largest 'object' in existence,  and that the sun, moon and stars are tiny in comparison. Christians who  ignore the evidence, both Scriptural and physical, are failing to "prove all  things" and "hold fast that which is good" (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Close-up  photos of the stars show that they are not huge homogenous spheres of  compressed gas, but something entirely different  "lights" in the sky,  exactly as the Word of God describes them. Our heavenly Father made a  Kingdom of staggering beauty for His Son, not a tiny speck in a cavern of  darkness. [Posted 12/11/2017] Hoax Earthrise Photos Released by NASA Christians don't understand how much Satan hates them. If they did they  would acknowledge that he is certain to tell whatever lies are necessary to  deceive them, no matter how outrageous.  Some of his most ambitious lies  are aimed at the truth of God's Word in Genesis. This paper shows how  NASA is producing fake photos which purport to prove that the earth is a  globe, a tiny planet spinning in the infinite depths of space. [Posted 11/11/2017]  Answers in Genesis and Our Flat, Stationary Earth The creation-and-discernment ministry, Answers in Genesis, led by Ken  Ham, is intensely opposed to the teaching that the earth is flat and  stationary. This paper examines two critical papers published on its  website by Dr Danny Faulkner which try desperately to refute the truth of  the flat earth. We show how insubstantial and unscientific these papers  really are and how little credence they give to God's Word. [Posted 26/07/2017] The Book of Enoch is a Dangerous Demonic Snare The great End Time deception will likely induce most of mankind to  believe in ETs or some kind of non-human intelligence. Many already  believe in the Nephilim, the offspring of the alleged sexual union between  fallen angels and human females. Given that this idea originated in The  Book of Enoch, the architects of the New World Order are working hard to   make professing Christians believe that this Apocryphal work should have  been included in the Bible. Our paper exposes the cunning and duplicity  behind all of this. [Posted 05/05/2017] Eugenics, Hybrids, and the Illuminati Labyrinth For far too long, Christian pastors and elders have been failing to take a  long hard look at who is really running the world. They claim that they  already know. Yes, God is sovereign, but He has given men a great deal of  freedom to either choose Him or reject Him. Some who reject Him with a  great intensity are working secretly together to further the aims of the  Enemy. This paper shows that, in addition to their plans to control the  future, they have also taken steps to control the past. [Posted 31/03/2017]  The Twelfth Apostle and Our Stationary Earth Many faithful Christians, who truly love the LORD, have difficulty  distinguishing between the cosmology of the Bible and the false cosmol-   ogy of NASA. In this paper we show why believers today are obliged to  address a brand of deception which our grandparents never thought  possible.  [Posted 12/03/2017]  The Children of Wickedness and Fake Science We have been trained from childhood to trust science. It is probably the  last place we would expect to find deception and trickery, but the Enemy  has been using it on a grand scale to twist reality and mock the world  created by God.  The lies devised for this purpose are extremely clever, but  they work primarily because Christians have forgotten just how dangerous  Satan really is. [Posted 21/02/2017] Gene Splicing is a Major Sign of the End Time Genetic engineering is so advanced that hybrid species and chimeras can  now be made in a lab. The technique known as CRISPR, along with stem  cell research, has made it possible to alter the human genome. If this is  taken too far, man will no longer be made in the image and likeness of  God. This has major implications for our understanding of End Time  prophecy.  [Posted 09/12/2016] A Simple Scientific Proof that the Earth is Flat The best way to establish the truth of any proposition is to test and prove it  for oneself. This paper shows how anyone with a good quality telescopic  camera can prove that the earth is flat. It is important that Christian  leaders take this question seriously and challenge the false cosmology  taught by modern science. The earth is exactly as the Bible describes it –  flat, stationary, and infinitely larger than the sun. [Posted 14/09/2016] [NOTE: In an earlier version of this paper, we confused the Isle of Man with Lambay  Island, as seen from the east coast of Ireland. Our apologies for this error.] Biblical Cosmology as the LORD has Revealed The Bible is correct and modern astronomy is false. There are indications  that more and more people are waking up to the ‘Moon Landing’ scam,  which would never have worked had professing Christians believed the  Biblical account of Creation. The heliocentric model of the ‘universe’ is a  wicked deception, as is the absurd notion that ‘outer space’ is millions of  light years across. This paper takes a systematic look at the cosmology  described in God’s Holy Word and shows how it all fits together. Our  wonderful Creator – who also created the earth, sun, moon, and stars –  sets out very clearly in His own words what He did on our behalf and on  behalf of His Son. Read His account in His own words and see for yourself.   [Posted 07/07/2016]  How the Enemy Devised a False Alternative Reality The leaders of the Antichrist world system have been attacking the truth of  the Bible in a number of ways for many years. As a result, certain beliefs  are widely held today that find no confirmation in the Word of God, such  as space travel, the existence of other earth-like planets, and a universe  that is billions of light years across. This paper shows how Satan’s fictitious alternative reality was ‘constructed’ and how it is being used to undermine  Biblical truth. [Posted 15/06/2016]  The Tent We All Dwell In - Why the Sky is Blue Isaiah 40:22 tells us that the "firmament" stretches over the earth like a  tent. In its false cosmological model, modern astronomy tries to ascribe  the blue color of the sky to the scattering of blue light as it passes through  the atmosphere. However, this paper shows why that explanation is false  and suggests a straightforward Biblical alternative. [Posted 26/05/2016]  The Great Cosmological Lie Even though the Bible clearly states that the earth is both flat and  stationary, many preachers and pastors - who profess to take the Bible  literally - accept without question the 'modern' scientific view. They have  been tricked into believing that the earth is a sphere racing through space  at 18 miles a second and spinning on its axis at a thousand miles an hour.  This paper gives a number of simple proofs that the earth is both  stationary and flat, just as the Bible says. It also shows that the model of  the universe (or cosmology) being promoted by modern Astronomy and  Astrophysics is a very clever deception. We should hardly be surprised that  Satan has concocted such outrageous lies. After all he is fighting a war that he cannot afford to lose and will stop at nothing to secure complete control  over mankind. [Posted 16/05/2016]    The So-called International Space Station This paper examines the recent 'black sky' comment by the latest member  of the crew of the International Space Station. Increasingly we are seeing  authoritative pronouncements by scientific institutions and their repres-   entatives that conflict in very fundamental ways with Biblical truth.  Christians need to be aware of the extent to which the Enemy is doing this,  both to undermine the veracity of Scripture and to draw more victims into  his beguiling, New Age version of reality. [Posted 24/12/2015] True Biblical Cosmology versus Satan's Alternative Reality There has long been a tendency, even among born-again believers, to view  the great End-Time deception as something that pertains exclusively to the  earthly mission of the Antichrist. We forget that a lot of advance  preparation is needed to set the stage for his arrival and popular  acceptance. This too must surely qualify as part of the great End-Time  deception that Christ warned us about. This paper examines modern  heliocentric cosmology - which places the sun at the center of the so-called  solar system - and compares it with the cosmology described by God in His  Word, in particular the Book of Genesis. Many readers will be shocked to  see the extent to which Satan has deceived mankind. Even pastors and  preachers who have long been faithful to God's Word and have 'seen it all'  will likely be taken aback by the staggering contrast between the Biblical  account of the universe and Satan's alternative reality.  [Posted 18/08/2015]  (Amended version posted 18 Oct 2020) Why Explosive Nuclear Devices May Not Exist The architects of the New World Order have the same spiritual attributes  as their father, Satan. They use fear, lies, deception, coercion, murder and  similar means to advance their cause. Fear is an important weapon in their  arsenal since a frightened victim is far easier to control and manipulate  than a confident one. There is compelling evidence to indicate that  explosive nuclear devices - the very foundation on which the Cold War was  built - do not actually exist. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were almost certainly destroyed by conventional weapons. This paper explains the background.  The widespread belief that a devastating, world-destroying super-weapon  was now being produced on an epic scale led directly to a general  acceptance that a one-world solution was needed to avoid 'mutually  assured destruction'. The United Nations was established in 1945 and has  since become the prototype and driving force for a One World  Government. The coming devastation will likely be attributed in part to the destructive power of nuclear weapons, but will actually be caused by other  means, such as vacuum bombs and kinetic projectiles fired from the upper  atmosphere. [Posted 31/08/2015]   The Jesuit-controlled ET Deception is Rapidly Taking Shape There are strong indications that the global elite intend to deceive the  masses into believing that extraterrestrials have made contact with Earth.  Such an announcement would have major implications for religious belief.  This paper examines a recent book by two Jesuits which goes to great  lengths to convince readers that ETs really exist and that they may even be  as 'Christian' as believers on earth. The book, 'Would You Baptize an  Extraterrestrial?' is part of this coming deception and teaches a type of  cosmic pantheism that poses a great threat to traditional Biblical  Christianity.  [Posted 21/10/2014] The Great Nephilim Deception More and more Christians are being tricked into believing in ETs and  UFOs. This would appear to be a prelude to a much larger program of  deception, the ultimate aim of which is to destroy faith in the Bible and  lure millions of confused Christians into the coming One World Church.  The Nephilim Theory claims that, in ancient times, demons mated with  human females and produced sinister hybrids that could pose a threat to  humanity in the End Time. One of the most prominent champions of this  bizarre theory is Chuck Missler, who trades shamelessly on his reputation  for Biblical orthodoxy. This paper explains the nature and purpose of this  deception and why the architects of the New World Order are so keen to  exploit it. [Posted 04/12/2013]