One World Government
Germany is being dismantled
Political changes on the world stage are happening so fast that we have
difficulty keeping up. Their speed tells us that they are part of a schedule
agreed in advance by the parties concerned and, in the rare instances where the
public are told anything, they are given the typical phony narrative spun by the
world powers. Russia, the UK, the US, and China are all following the same
game plan. They are intent on war. Their leaders work for the same cabal of
ultra-rich Luciferians – the so-called ‘globalists’ – and have no allegiance to the
people they profess to serve. In this paper we provide hard evidence that the
top brass in Germany – politicians, military and industrialists – have betrayed
the German people and are leading their nation into a deadly trap.
[Posted 21/06/2024]
The Great Reset and La Palma
We can’t predict the future but we can carefully examine existing conditions
and, on the basis of what happened when similar conditions existed in the past,
make a reasonable assessment of what the future may hold. This is just
common sense. Alas, the majority of people today believe ‘history’ stopped in
1991 with the break up of the Soviet Union. The awful conflicts in the Ukraine
and Gaza prove beyond doubt that ‘history’ is as real and raw as ever. So too
does the perilous state of the world financial system. In order to hide their role
in the latter, the architects behind these unfolding events may be preparing a
‘natural’ disaster on the volcanic island of La Palma. A massive landslide on the
island could produce a mega-tsunami that would crash the stock market and
bring down the international banking system.
[Posted 01/03/2024]
The truth about Covid as revealed by an insider
History has shown, over and over, that very few have the courage to question
authority or step out of line. Why bother to take a risk that no-one else is
prepared to take? It is far easier to cultivate a range of excuses to explain one’s
inaction than to voice one’s doubts and hold the supposed authority to account.
In this paper we examine the steps taken by a medical doctor in the UK to
refute the official Covid narrative and expose the many lies on which it is
based. [Posted 28/07/2003]
Organized treason in peacetime
The coming crisis on the world stage is made possible only through the co-
operation of national governments. Instead of taking steps to prevent it, they
are helping to bring it about. This is how the UN and similar institutions work,
subverting elected governments and installing regimes sympathetic to their
goals. In this paper we look at a graphic historical example of this and compare
it with what is happening today. We conclude with a recent UN-sponsored
initiative which can only be described as Satanic.
[Posted 20/04/2023]
UK Emergency Alerts system
The British government intends to “test” its new emergency alert system on
23rd April. This will involve sending a text message to all smartphone users in
the UK, accompanied by a shrill siren sound. The public is being told in
advance that this is just a test. But why have a system like this in the first
place? This is yet another ploy by the Elite to intimidate the public and raise
the level of national anxiety at a time when the financial system is tottering.
These nasty fear tactics are being used to impose greater control over the
population as a whole. Christians need to understand what the Children of
Wickedness are up to and not allow themselves to be shaken by these events.
[Posted 25/03/2023]
Died suddenly
We are hearing this phrase - “died suddenly” - with greater frequency. It used
to be rare, especially in relation to young adults and children. If a young person
died suddenly or unexpectedly, it was generally due to an accident or
misadventure. Even the elderly, bedbound for a long period, did not “die
suddenly” but gradually. The term “died suddenly” is also an emotional
expression, a way the bereaved can say, It was a shock to all of us, we never
saw it coming. In this paper we give convincing evidence that our governments
saw it coming. It is becoming clear that many senior figures in our society may
be guilty of a very serious crime. [Posted 10/02/2023]
Covid Injections - The Unfolding Disaster
Only a handful of concerned scientists and medical professionals are shouting
“Wolf!” loudly and clearly. One of these is Purnima Wagh, a medical technician
based in California who has recently given a number of interviews denouncing
the hoax vaccine program that is being pushed by our corrupt governments.
She is saying, The Covid injections are poisonous! Don’t touch them! The
people behind this appalling crime are lying psychopaths, deluded servants of
Satan who want a ‘New World Order’. We examine the case made by Dr Wagh
and reveal what these deadly ‘vaccines’ really contain.
[Posted 26/08/2022]
Note: After our paper was published it emerged that Ms Wagh has dubious
credentials and is widely seen as a shill.
As we said in our paper, “We are not aware of any scientific publications in
her name.... For obvious reasons we are not in a position to substantiate her
claims. However, we have no reason to believe she is fabricating any part of her
testimony. Much of what she says, including material which we have not
addressed in this paper, is consistent with the views expressed on this website
over the past two and a half years. We strongly encourage our readers to look at
one or more of Dr Wagh’s videos and form their own opinion. If you find her
testimony convincing, as we do, then please share the link with others.”
If she is a shill, then one must ask what the Mind Control people had
intended? Normally, in a situation like this, when the messenger is discredited,
so is the message. If her professional credibility could easily be shown to be
bogus, as seems to be the case, then her exposure was intended from the
outset. The purpose of this intelligence operation – in which she would have
participated – was to confuse the public and, in particular, following her
exposure, to discredit anything she said. The public was meant to ridicule her
message and revert, instead, to the official, government-approved narrative.
For this reason, we are leaving the paper on our website. It clearly contains
information which the Elite do not want the public to consider. [05/09/2022]
Countdown to World Tyranny
The World Health Organization (WHO) will consider proposals in the coming
days which, if agreed, would confer on its Director-General the power to
declare a world pandemic emergency under international law. Up to now the
WHO issued “recommendations” which member states could implement at
their discretion. Also, it could do so only after consulting and reaching
agreement with a representative number of member states. It was also
necessary for the pandemic affected region to report a significant number of
fatalities before a declaration could be made. The proposed amendments are
revolutionary. If agreed, they will enable the Director-General, at his sole
discretion, to override the rights and freedoms of billions of people. He won’t
even be required to produce hard medical evidence that a contagious pathogen
has killed a significant number of people and will likely kill a great many more.
The sovereignty of independent nation states is being erased by world
Communism. [Posted 20/05/2022]
Official Government figures prove the vaccines are harmful
For those who believe most of what their government is telling them about
Covid, this paper will be an eye-opener. We look at the official figures for
England and Scotland on hospitalizations due to ‘Covid’. The medical
authorities who publish these statistics are pretending that they are easily
misinterpreted and are deliberately suppressing the troubling truth behind
them. The stark reality is that these figures, which are endorsed by the
government itself, reveal very clearly the harmful impact of the Covid vaccines
to date and the underlying trend toward greater harm in the future.
[Posted 27/02/2022]
Why Covid vaccines will harm children
Many of our readers are greatly perplexed by the general failure across society
to see that the Covid vaccines are dangerous and should not be given to
children. Adults may choose to harm themselves with these experimental,
untested hi-tech concoctions, but they have no authority to inflict them on
their children. We hope this short paper will provide our readers with a
respectful way of urging friends and colleagues, who may be planning to take
this step, to think again. [Posted 30/12/21]
Lone Voices and Vaccine Harm
We live in an age of extremes – extreme stupidity, extreme indifference,
extreme selfishness. Few people bother to consider a matter in a rational
manner, based on the evidence. Instead they simply shrug their shoulders and
accept the conventional opinion. In this paper we highlight the work of two
brave individuals, men who took serious risks to expose the dark world of
vaccine carnage. Please share this paper with those (who are likely to listen)
who intend to take a vaccine booster. [Posted 01/12/2021]
Storm Warning
In our last paper (#279) we examined the strategy that the Elite are using to
depopulate parts of the earth, as set out in the Deagel forecast. In this paper we
look more closely at the way vaccine technology is being used to advance this
agenda. Under the Covid vaccine roll-out the ‘target’ countries in the Deagel
forecast – those with a Christian ethos or having advanced technological
capability – are being treated very differently from other countries, notably
those in the Belt & Road axis. The latter are set to dominate the world very
shortly. [Posted 04/08/2021]
Mass Killing in the UK disguised as Covid
The Illuminati killing machine in the UK is moving into high gear. A little-
known medical device, called a syringe driver, was used across the UK in early
2020 to kill thousands of elderly people. The same device was used at Gosport
War Memorial Hospital during the period 1989-2000 to murder around 850
patients. The syringe driver delivers a fatal dose of a powerful sedative known
as Midazolam. Victims die either of slow suffocation (‘Covid’) or dehydration
(more ‘Covid’). The UK government calls this a “good death.” Unless the British
come to their senses and deal urgently with the evil in their midst, their
country will slide into tyranny. [Posted 18/07/2021]
Why the Covid vaccines are dangerous
The world is in crisis. The mainstream media will not tell you this because the
big media outlets are controlled by the people who are creating the crisis. The
worldwide propaganda machine is implementing a medical tyranny, where
only those are are deemed “well” will be allowed to enjoy their liberty, albeit
within the parameters set by the ruling elite. Anyone who refuses to take the
Covid vaccine will automatically be categorized as a potential health hazard
and placed in some form of quarantine, from self-isolation at home to semi-
permanent relocation in an internment camp. If the public understood what
was happening, they could resist. But the vast majority seem to understand
nothing. In particular they are ignoring all the evidence which shows that the
Covid vaccines are dangerous. In this paper we set out the reasons for this,
drawing extensively on the views expressed by Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a very
distinguised microbiologist based in Germany. Please share this paper with as
many people as you can. [Posted 04/05/2021]
The Killing has Started
The blindness of humanity is hard to understand. We would take immediate
action if a total stranger verbally abused a member of our family, but we are
prepared to let the same family member receive a potent experimental vaccine
that hasn’t even been tested on animals. In this paper we examine the shocking
betrayal of the Irish people by their own medical profession. We show how this
betrayal is made even more evident by a recent study which exposes the fraud
and deception of the Irish government. The criminal activity by our
government was made possible only by the sinister indifference of the medical
profession and active support from key health personnel. Sadly, elderly men
and women across Ireland are now dying from the Covid vaccines. The killing
has started and a great tragedy is unfolding.
[Posted 20/04/2021]
Fraud, Lies and Treachery by the Irish Government
Ireland is at a crossroads. So too is every other democratic nation on earth. Our
governments are working against us to impose a New World Order. The Covid
‘pandemic’ is being used to advance this agenda. In this paper we give
conclusive evidence that the Irish government is out of control and behaving in
a criminally irresponsible way. We would ask all patriots to bring this paper to
the attention of friends and neighbors, and in particular anyone of integrity
who can help to raise the alarm. We are calling on the Director of Public
Prosecutions to intervene as a matter of urgency. [Posted 02/03/2021]
Twelve reasons why no-one should take the Covid vaccine
The Covid vaccines are experimental, high risk, and unnecessary. The media is
working in concert with the pharmaceutical industry and the government to
frighten and mislead the public. As a result a large percentage of the population
are willing to take the vaccine. If you know someone who may be about to take
that step and you wish to inform them of the risks, this paper may help. [Posted
The Irish are Being Told Appalling Lies about Covid
The patriot movement, Anti-Corruption Ireland, submitted a number of
requests to the Health Service Executive under the Freedom of Information Act
in late December 2020. The HSE was asked to provide a list of records in its
archive in relation to lockdowns, mask-wearing, social distancing and Covid
vaccines where the record addressed the scientific basis or justification for
each. Incredibly the HSE replied that it had no records of this nature. None.
Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch. So our country is being destroyed, both economically
and socially, by ruinous lockdowns and draconian rules which have no
scientific justification whatever. The wealthy elite who control our country, and
the politicians who serve them, are guilty of very serious crimes.
[Posted 11/01/2021]
Downright Dangerous
The so-called Covid pandemic is a spiritual war on humanity. Satan and his
earthly servants are bringing in a new social order where the average person is
docile and obedient, in thrall to propaganda (in the form of ‘education’,
entertainment, ‘news’, and ‘science’), and highly receptive to subliminal mind
control techniques. To perfect this new social order he needs to eliminate our
will to resist. Pharmacology holds the key, while vaccines provide the ideal
means of delivery. The Covid vaccine will be the first in a series of vaccines, all
of which will be deemed essential in a world where pandemic terror is stoked
continually by lying scientists and odious politicians. In this paper we will
explore some of the factors which show that these vaccines are “downright
dangerous,” as one prominent expert put it. [Posted 04/01/2021]
Covid isolation facilities will be used to intern dissidents
The average person today is so detached from the lessons of history that he
doesn’t see how its recurring themes are bound to affect him somewhere along
the line. As the Word of God tells us, there is nothing new under the sun. This
means the same forces that shaped our past are still shaping the world we see
around us today. In this paper we discuss the ‘Covid’ test centers that are being
built around Ireland, their connection with mental health facilities, and the
scope they will give our de facto Marxist overlords to intern ‘undesirables’. We
also examine a very troubling CDC document which shows that the USA is
heading down the same road. [Posted 16/11/2020]
Besieged and Betrayed – a Nation in Peril
Ireland is in crisis. Covid is a Marxist invention. Even after the hammer falls a
large proportion of the population will still believe the version of events given
in the mainstream media. In this paper we examine the dark history that led to
this crisis and show how, a year from now, the country could be under
totalitarian rule. The people, working together to defend the Constitution, have
only a short time to avert this impending catastrophe.
[Posted 08/11/2020]
The Great Pandemic Lie Destroys our God-given Rights
It is difficult to know which is greater, the audacity of the Elite for foisting such
outrageous lies on mankind, or the credulity of the general population for
believing them. In this paper we identify two novel legal concepts – which have
no precedent in Western law – that are being used to obliterate our God-given
Rights. Even countries with a written Constitution have been unable, so far, to
repel this illegal assault. By using these pernicious legal concepts, the state can
ensure that the law now means only what the government says it means.
Habeas corpus, due process and many other basic rights are simply set aside
and replaced by Marxist diktat. [Posted 26/10/2020]
Face Masks are a tool of Satan
Bullies hate common sense because it undermines their authority. They make
unreasonable demands to see how much fear they can instil. Then, having
identified their victim, they use the same tactic again and again until he breaks.
This how a vile gang of elected bullies is causing havoc in Ireland today. With
each insane demand, the fear level rises and their victims squirm even more.
Unless the people of Ireland turn on these bullies and assert their freedom and
dignity, their country will be destroyed. [Posted 18/10/2020]
GMO Fluenz Tetra: Schoolchildren are now a target
The more power our governments have, the more they abuse it. The Irish
government has announced its plan to vaccinate all children in the age bracket
2-12 years in the coming weeks. The flu vaccine will be a GMO called Fluenz
Tetra, marketed by AstraZeneca. In this paper we offer 9 solid reasons why all
Irish parents should reject and oppose this dangerous plan. The government is
following the international Marxist agenda and cannot be trusted.
[Posted 03/09/2020]
The Removal of Children from their Parents
The coronavirus ‘pandemic’ and the current ‘race’ riots are all part of the plan
to destabilize America. The next step will accelerate this process, as our paper
reveals. At least one US state has made drastic changes to its child care
standards during an ‘emergency’. This deplorable contraction in standards
would suggest that the authorities are preparing for a massive influx of new
cases. The proclamation by the Governor of Idaho on 23 March will enable the
state to quickly recruit unqualified staff and, without any preliminary training,
put them in charge of large numbers of children in facilities where
overcrowding and minimal supervision will be commonplace. Parents will be
compelled to place their children in these facilities during the ‘emergency’ but
will not be allowed to visit them or even communicate with them. This
substandard regime will be so injurious to the families affected that the
proclamation should be seen as a flashing red light that the Elite are prepared
to do whatever it takes to impose, without further delay, a New World Order.
[Posted 18/06/2020]
Gaelic Gulag: Ireland is now under Marxist rule
The governments of north America and western Europe, as well as other parts
of the world, are exploiting the ‘Covid-19’ scare to introduce legislation that will
greatly increase the control they can exercise over their citizens. These powers
include indefinite imprisonment without a warrant. Under the guise of
‘emergency’ legislation the Irish parliament recently approved two Bills which
confer astonishing powers on the government. In this paper we examine these
tyrannical statutes and the deadly threat they pose to the future well-being of
our society. Ireland is now effectively under Marxist rule. We urge our Irish
readers - whether resident in Ireland or in another country - to share this paper
with as many of their fellow countrymen as they can.
[Posted 10/04/2020]
Rockefeller Report (2010) proves the pandemic was planned
We would encourage readers to get as much objective evidence as they can
about the so-called Covid-19 pandemic. If they do they will begin to see the lies
and propaganda. In this paper we give verifiable evidence that the ‘pandemic’
was planned as a stepping- stone toward a New World Order.
[Posted 06/04/2020]
What does the Word of God say about ‘Lockdowns’?
As Christians, at a time when the church is under severe attack, we need to
study the Bible carefully and follow the directions of the Holy Spirit as
recorded in His Word. What does Scripture say about ‘lockdowns’? Are they
legitimate in the eyes of God? In this paper we examine this question by
reference to God’s Word and find that the answer is emphatically “No!”
[Posted 03/04/2020]
Stand on the Rock!
We are witnessing the imposition of martial law under the guise of a medical
emergency. Many are being greatly demoralized by the incessant media focus
on this alleged pandemic. In this paper we examine the effect this is having on
some Christians and what we can do to address it. The actions being taken by
world leaders, where entire countries are being shut down, is part of a dark
plan to destroy national sovereignty and, along the way, crush what is left of
true Christianity. [Posted 22/03/2020]
The Coming Coup in the U.S.
The cycles of history are manipulated by men. In reality there are no historical
cycles, nor a huge impersonal matrix called History (as the Marxists would
have us believe). There are simply men in rebellion against God. History is but
a record of this rebellion and the sordid deeds imagined by a power-hungry
elite to oppose His will for mankind. The coming coup in the U.S. will take
most people by surprise. It will hardly seem possible. However, in this paper
we will show how and why it is likely to happen.
[Posted 07/03/2020]
The NWO will Abolish the Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are the foundation of a society based on
righteousness and spiritual well-being. For this reason alone they will have no
place in the coming New World Order, where the only rules and laws will be
those made by ‘wise’ men. In this paper we examine the strategy taken to date
to undermine the Ten Commandments and erase them from our laws and
social norms. Very few Christians seem to be aware that this is happening or
that it is a carefully planned program. Also, most of them appear to
underestimate the extent of the damage already inflicted to date.
[Posted 15/6/2019]
Donald Trump’s allegiance to the sun god Apollo
President Trump has long tried to maintain that he is an outsider, beholden to
no-one. But is that really the case? In this paper we show that Trump is in
reality a high-ranking insider with a strong allegiance to the sun god Apollo. He
is merely acting out the script prepared for him by his Illuminati handlers.
[Posted 03/03/2019]
Beware of the Sinister ‘Noahide Laws’
We are increasingly hearing references to the so-called Noahide Laws. These
are allegedly seven laws that the LORD gave, via Adam and Noah, to all
mankind. In this paper we will show that, not only is this completely untrue,
but it is being exploited by the architects of the New World Order to impose a
worldwide system of judicial control. The Elite would appear to have picked the
largest Hasidic sect in America to raise awareness of these laws, both in the
U.S. and around the world. The U.N. and the Vatican are also involved.
Incredibly, the last seven U.S. Presidents have all promoted these laws, the sect
concerned, and the late rebbe (leader) of the sect, whose followers expect him
to be resurrected in the near future and to reign on earth as the ‘messiah’.
Christians need to understand the sinister way this strange program is
unfolding. [Posted 31/01/2019]
The U.N. Migration Compact attacks National Sovereignty
The U.N. is the enemy of all who love truth and justice. It continues to
undermine the absolute sovereignty of nations. Its latest foray is incredibly
arrogant, even for the U.N. With its so-called Migration Compact, it plans to
abolish national borders by turning migration into a human right and allowing
unrestricted movement from one country to another to take up permanent
residence. What is more, the receiving country covers virtually all costs, much
as it does when receiving asylum seekers (refugees). In effect, the U.N. has
declared war on the absolute sovereignty of nations. What is more, our own
governments are siding with the U.N. and permitting this silent invasion
without any consultation with their citizens. The Compact is an act of
treachery. [Posted 09/01/2019]
The Unfolding Constitutional Crisis in the US
Christians who truly love God’s Word will continue to “Watch!”, just as Jesus
instructed. Many aspects of Bible prophecy do not appear from nowhere but
manifest gradually through mundane events. The world leader described in the
Book of Revelation will not be able to emerge until the US has undergone
‘radical reconstruction’. This paper examines the way the Illuminati have been
preparing for this transformative event. [Posted 06/10/2018]
The Seeming Enigma of North Korea
The Elite are following a timetable and North Korea has an important place in
that timetable. This paper examines the reason for creating the so-called 'rogue
state.' It also shows how recent propaganda – such as the alleged N Korean
missile tests and President Trump’s “rocket man” jibe - all point to a planned
event. [Posted 04/02/2018]
The Next Choreographed War
Wars, especially large-scale ones, are carefully planned events. The Elite
prepare for them decades in advance, putting in place the various flash-points
and zones of conflict so that, when all is ready, they can press the button and
set yet another murderous campaign in motion. The preparations for World
War III would seem to be nearing completion. It will likely be timed to coincide
with a worldwide economic collapse. This paper examines the background to
this and shows how leaders like Trump and Kim Jong-un are merely actors in a
drama scripted and directed by the network of ultra-rich families who control
the world (for now). [Posted 02/10/2017]
The possibility of a Constitutional crisis in the US
The political situation in the US at present is very volatile. The failure to fill the
vacancy on the Supreme Court, in violation of the Constitution, may be part of
a plan to provoke a crisis. This paper examines the background to this and the
speed with which the situation could spiral out of control.
[Posted 12/11/2016]
The Marxist Pope and UN Agenda 2030
The most public and detailed statement to date about the New World Order
will be launched in New York by Pope Francis at a meeting of the General
Assembly of the UN on September 24. The document is called Transforming
Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will confer an
exceptional range of powers on one or more global authorities which, between
them, by availing of these powers, will be able to take control by stealth of
independent sovereign nations. Of course, it is not being sold as a blueprint for
'world government' but as a program to 'save the planet'. This paper explains
the extent to which Marxist ideology, combined with the bogus science of
'climate change', is being used by the UN to establish a system of world
government. It also exposes the dark Marxist affiliations of the Roman Catholic
leadership and its current Pope, Francis I. [Posted 21/09/2015]
The Globalist Plan for the US and the Middle East
In 2006 an American military journal published a map that predicted much of
what we are seeing today in the Middle East. The map seems to be a blueprint
for change across a vast area. Meanwhile the forthcoming Jade Helm exercise
by the US military will be held in the same southern states that we identified in
an earlier paper. Truly born-again Christians need to pay careful attention to
what is happening. This paper shows how closely these changes accord with
Bible prophecy and form a pattern of events leading to the End Time.
[Posted 19/05/2015]
Sorcery, Marxism, and Central America
We have constantly striven on this website to alert readers to the dangers of
witchcraft and humanism, respectively. In both Mexico and El Salvador these
happen to be the dominant spiritual and socio-political philosophies. Despite
the presence of such neighbors, whose territory may be used by her enemies to
compromise her sovereignty, the US remains inexplicably complacent.
[Posted 03/08/2015]